New Straits Times


Voucher or coupon system can limit purchases to essential goods


commendabl­e and had helped the low-income group greatly. However, it should be fine-tuned.

“The implementa­tion of BR1M is a good move and I feel that it should be improved.

“The authoritie­s can consider implementi­ng a coupon or voucher system that limits purchases to essential goods only.

“This is to avoid cases where the money is misused by recipients in making non-essential purchases.

“For example, in Europe and the United States, the coupon, voucher and food stamp system has been in place for a long time, and it is more focused, effective and systematic.”

Last year, the government distribute­d RM6.31 billion in BR1M payments to 7.22 million families and individual­s.

Fatimah said the BR1M method should be refined to ensure that money was spent on groceries, school expenses and bills.

“There is a danger that if the cash payment method continues, the mission and vision of BR1M may not be achieved.

“A voucher or coupon system can resolve this.

“The Barisan Nasional government could think of the next step to ensure that the aid goes only to those who deserve it to reduce an over-dependency on BR1M.

“In the future, the implementa­tion of BR1M should be capped with an expiry period to ensure people work hard to improve their lives.”

Malaysians said BR1M had proven invaluable in helping them reduce the cost of living.

Amirah Abd Hadi, a 29-yearold clerk, said BR1M helped her in buying items, such as rice, cooking oil and powdered milk.

“I allocate RM150 monthly to buy these goods.

“With BR1M, I can budget for the long term and no longer have to worry about any cash shortage for my monthly grocery expenses.

“My parents also receive BR1M payments. I thank the government for its care and attention to people like us.”

Rosita Gelang Jelai, 32, said the BR1M payments were eagerly awaited as they were windfalls for her family.

She said her husband, a labourer, did not earn much and every sen he made went to the family’s upkeep.

“There are times when we have had to tighten our belts and reduce our expenses.

“So, when the BR1M payments come in, my husband’s pay can be put to other uses.

“I am grateful to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for increasing the BR1M payment.

“This money is going to our children’s school expenses.”

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