New Straits Times

Pairin faces family fight in Tambunan


KENINGAU: Barisan Nasional incumbent Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan will face his brother, brother-in-law and a challenger from the last election in defending his Tambunan seat for an 11th term since 1976.

Pairin, who is Parti Bersatu Sabah president, will face his brother, Datuk Jeffrey Kitingan, from Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (Star), brother-in-law Justin Alip from Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) and Nestor Joannes from Parti Cinta Sabah, who contested as a Star candidate in 2013.

Pairin said he had no qualms contesting against Jeffrey, as this would be the third time they squared off, but not against Justin, who he said betrayed PBS when he joined Warisan last year.

“He is no longer a friend for betraying me and the party, although PBS had taken care of him for a long time,” Pairin said.

Jeffrey too said seeing Justin, who is married to his and Pairin’s sister, was a “bit strange”.

The two brothers faced off twice for the Keningau parliament­ary seat before. Pairin, who held the seat since 1985, will not seek re-election this time around.

The task was given to BN candidate Datuk Daniel Kinsek, who will be up against Jeffrey, Warisan’s Jake Nointin, Parti Kebangsaan Sabah’s Abid Galas, Jius Awang of Parti Cinta Sabah and independen­t Justin Guka, who is also former BN assemblyma­n for Bingkor.

For the Bingkor state seat, it will be a six-cornered fight among Peter Jino Allion (BN), Robert Twaik @Nordin (Star), Thomas Anggan (Parti Kebangsaan Sabah), , Dr Oswald Aisat (Parti Anak Negeri), Peter Saili (DAP) and Guka.

Liawan state seat will see BN incumbent Datuk Sairin Karno contesting against Kong Fui Seng (Star), Rasinin Koutis@Kautis (Warisan) and Hussein Madatin (PCS).

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