New Straits Times


No limit to tax deduction for contributi­ons, says finance minister

- AZURA ABAS AND MANIRAJAN RAMASAMY Additional reporting by Irwan Shafrizan Ismail, Luqman Arif Abdul Karim, Mohd Husni Mohd Noor, Hazwan Faisal Mohamad and Farah Adilla

TABUNG Harapan Malaysia has collected RM7.07 million up to 3pm yesterday. Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng thanked Malaysians for the contributi­ons collected in less than 24 hours.

“The contributi­on is tax-deductible for individual­s and companies. There is no limit to the deduction. Keep the transactio­n receipt,” he said after receiving RM13,476.57 from activist Nik Shazarina Bakti, who collected that amount through crowdfundi­ng.

Lim said the money would be audited and would be used only to reduce the Federal Government’s debt.

He said Tabung Harapan was establishe­d for the people to express their love for the country.

“It doesn’t matter how much you contribute.”

Lim thanked Shazarina, a legal officer at Sisters in Islam, for her efforts.

A week before Tabung Harapan was launched, she started the crowdfundi­ng by urging people to emulate the fundraisin­g spirit for Tunku Abdul Rahman’s merdeka mission to London.

“It may be a small amount, but the spirit behind it means a lot,” Lim said.

On Wednesday, the government set up the Tabung Harapan Malaysia as a way for people to help with the country’s debt.

The fund is managed by the Finance Ministry.

Lim had revealed that the actual national debt stood at RM1.087 trillion, or 80.3 per cent of the gross domestic product, as at Dec 31.

Later, Lim said the ministry was “humbled by the magnanimit­y of Malaysians”.

“Malaysians have taken their patriotism to a greater height, willing to part with their allowances and spare cash to help rebuild this nation we all love.

“Like young activist and law graduate Ms Shazarina Bakti, they have continued to take their role in nation building seriously.

“I applaud her effort in rallying Malaysians from all walks of life to contribute to the cause.

“It is this spirit of hope and unity which would fuel the Pakatan Harapan government, in moving forward to fulfil its manifesto.”

He said the amount collected by Tabung Harapan would be updated daily on the ministry’s website and social media platforms.

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 ?? PIC BY AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR ?? Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng receiving a mock cheque for RM13,476.57 from Nik Shazarina Bakti on behalf of Tabung Harapan Malaysia in Putrajaya yesterday. With them are Communicat­ions and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo (second from left) and...
PIC BY AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng receiving a mock cheque for RM13,476.57 from Nik Shazarina Bakti on behalf of Tabung Harapan Malaysia in Putrajaya yesterday. With them are Communicat­ions and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo (second from left) and...

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