New Straits Times


For 40 years as a speaker, I winged it, says Mat Sabu


DEFENCE Minister Mohamad Sabu lightened the mood of armed forces personnel and guests when he quipped that “it was easier to speak at a ceramah than to read speech texts” at a Hari Raya Aidilifitr­i event here yesterday.

He said in his 40-year career as a speaker, he had always “winged it”, but now, after becoming a minister, he had to use prepared speeches.

“For 40 years, I spoke without the need for any texts, and now, it is prepared speeches galore,” he said, drawing laughter from the audience.

Mohamad, fondly known as Mat Sabu, said this at an event to present Hari Raya goodies to military personnel at the Auditorium Wisma Pertahanan in Jalan Padang Tembak, here.

Present were Armed Forces chief General Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamad Noor, Navy chief Admiral Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzam­an Ahmad Badaruddin, Royal Malaysian Air Force chief General Tan Sri Affendi Buang and Army chief General Tan Sri Zulkiple Kassim.

Mohamad said he was moved by the sacrifices of soldiers of the past, who faced trials and tribulatio­ns to defend the country.

He said for Hari Raya, the armed forces received cash donations from 48 agencies, such as corporate bodies, private companies and volunteer groups, totaling RM1.64 million.

The armed forces also received goods from 11 companies, cooperativ­es and volunteer groups.

“As defence minister, on behalf of the armed forces, I thank you for these contributi­ons,” Mohamad said.

“These contributi­ons are proof that the people recognise the efforts of our servicemen in upholding the country’s sovereignt­y.”

He expressed hope that more companies, especially those with close ties with the ministry, would help armed forces personnel who would be on duty come Hari Raya.

“These contributi­ons mean a lot to soldiers who have to leave their families for the sake of the country.”

 ?? PIC BY SAIFULLIZA­N TAMADI ?? Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu (third from right) with armed forces personnel at a Hari Raya Aidilfitri event in Jalan Padang Tembak, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday.
PIC BY SAIFULLIZA­N TAMADI Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu (third from right) with armed forces personnel at a Hari Raya Aidilfitri event in Jalan Padang Tembak, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday.

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