New Straits Times

The public’s reaction to internatio­nal ‘suspension’

- Rosly Jumiati

year alone there have been four doping cases involving national weightlift­ers, and the Malaysian Weightlift­ing Federation (MWF) have taken drastic action by barring Malaysians from taking part in any internatio­nal competitio­ns for a year effective Tuesday.

Despite the Asian Games in Indonesia taking place this August, the sport’s national body made the shocking decision which is also a message to the Internatio­nal Weightlift­ing Federation (IWF) just how serious they are in dealing with doping issues.

NSTP Sport went out on the streets to get the public’s reaction on the “suspension”.

Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Asri, 30, self-employed — The shocking decision by the associatio­n definitely took the weightlift­ing athletes by surprise what more with the Asian Games just around the corner.

But our weightlift­ers need to accept such a move and instead use it as a stern reminder not to do the wrong thing by getting involved in doping.

Meor Redzuan Meor Mohd Danial, 29, site supervisor — There are too many doping cases happening of late involving not just senior weightlift­ers but young and upcoming juniors as well.

Could it be that such banned substances are easily obtainable so weightlift­ing athletes take a shortcut in order to achieve success?

For me, such a move is a must and the associatio­n needs to find a way to curb the use of such banned substances among Malaysian weightlift­ers.

Nurhayati Ismail, 27, housewife — Such a punishment whereby weightlift­ing athletes cannot take part in internatio­nal competitio­ns for a year is too long a period.

With the Asian Games being a miss this year, there’s also the Sea Games taking place next year and our national weightlift­ers will end up missing out on putting their abilities to the test on the internatio­nal stage.

The associatio­n need to find a way so that all the athletes understand the severe consequenc­es of doping.

They should not make such grave mistakes that not just ruin their sporting careers but bring a bad name and negative publicity to the sport.

Mohd Sharul Ezwan Mohamad,26, customer service centre operator— Perhaps this could be a good, valuable lesson to all our weightlift­ing athletes not to take doping lightly or even think of get involved in it.

They must realise that when they compete, that they are representi­ng the country and taking the easy way out to achieve success is not the w a y.

They should be ashamed of themselves as weightlift­ers from other countries can win without the illicit use of banned subtances.

Muhammad Syahiran Mohd Yunos, 25, engineer’s assistant— Apart from suspending the weightlift­ing athletes from internatio­nal competitio­ns, perhaps the associatio­n need to think long and hard about fighting the use of banned substances.

The move to make it a must for weightlift­ing athletes to undergo doping tests before competing in the Malaysia Games is just one way of combating the doping issue.

And why not get the athletes to undergo dope tests much earlier before taking part in competitio­ns?

Mohammad Rafieni Mohd Yazid, 27, technician — I pity the weightlift­ing athletes because the Asian Games is just around the corner.

And some of them would have already been prepared to compete.

Why couldn’t the associatio­n wait till after the Asian Games to mete out such a suspension in the first place?

Just because of a few bad apples, the rest of the athletes end up having to pay such a price which is unfair to them.

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