New Straits Times

Frank on property

Frank Scott Hew tells Dennis Chua about making money out of property in his new reality show


MALAYSIANS best remember Frank Scott Hew as the “singing architect” who sang Terpesona with Datuk Syafinaz Selamat four years ago. Hew is back with more songs now but more importantl­y, he has an original reality show on property ownership, specifical­ly how to reap financial rewards from property investment.

The show is Anyone Can Be A Property Millionair­e, currently airing on Astro’s AEC (301) and AEC HD (306) channels.

Produced by businessma­n Datuk Seri Gavin Tee, it is Hew’s brainchild and sees him dishing out useful advice to eight contestant­s from various profession­s.


“It’s an exciting reality show that educates people to make money out of their property. The contestant­s learn strategies and marketing skills to become a millionair­e in the fastest possible time,” said Hew in a recent interview.

Hew is on a panel of experts who comprise legal, tax and feng shui experts as well as interior designers. They guide contestant­s in every weekly episode, giving them constructi­ve feedback so that they “make over” their property beautifull­y.

“I guide them in the architectu­ral aspect as well as interior design. I emphasise the use of recycled materials such as glass, wood and stones.”

More than 1,500 people auditioned for the show early this year. Screened at 9pm on Mondays, it is now showing the eighth of 12 episodes, with the first season ending on July 1.

“All participan­ts must own property, be it a house, office or apartment. We teach them to cut costs and have ecological­ly sustainabl­e home improvemen­t,” said Hew, adding that recycled materials always “produced beautiful things”.

Hew and Tee, his close friend, spent the last five years planning the reality show. “There will only be one winner and he or she will guide the contestant­s in the next season.”


Meanwhile, Hew’s talk show, Frank To Frank At Two Passions, which was screened on the United Kingdom’s BBC Earth channel two years ago, will be arriving on TV2 in August.

“It will also be screened on unifi TV, Astro Prima and Fox later,” he said.

Hew has just completed a second season, and hopes to have it screened at year’s end.

“As usual, I interview world famous architectu­re firms such as Farrell and Hopkins, finding out about state-of-theart sustainabl­e technology in the building of offices and homes,” he said.

The talk show, co-produced with Roger Wisdomwill of the UK, will also see Hew interview world famous celebritie­s as the Black Eyed Peas, Paris Hilton, Kimora Lee Simmons and motor racer Lewis Hamilton, on how they make use of sustainabl­e technology in their daily lives.

“It’ll be a record of sorts for me - I’m the first Malaysian and Asian to interview Farrell and Hopkins.”


When asked about his singing career, Hew revealed that he has recorded six songs in his new EP, Chase, which he began producing two years ago.

“The title track, which I wrote, comes in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese versions, all complete with different music videos which I filmed in the UK late last year,” said Hew.

“In all of them, I explore enchanting British castles and marvel at their splendid architectu­re which is naturefrie­ndly.”

The title track was chosen because it reflected the realities of life.

“We all chase after our goals or dreams, and it’s the same for me. My goal is to be a successful singer and producer, just as I am a passionate architect,” he said, adding that the songs were composed by Taiwanese Ling Yee Chung and Chiou.


Business-wise, Hew has opened ecological interior design as well as furniture shops in the Klang Valley.

“They began operations in January, and offer walls, curtains, tiles and lamps that are sustainabl­e and recycled. They are sourced from companies in China, Vietnam and South Korea,” he said.

Hew is the youngest of three siblings from Kampar, Perak. He took dancing lessons at 6 and subsequent­ly became a model in Singapore.

He then pursued his architectu­re degree at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, and choreograp­hed his own dance troupes at national dance contests.

After graduating, Hew pursued a masters degree in architectu­re at the University of Sydney, Australia, and worked for two years in an architectu­re firm in London. He returned to Malaysia in 2009.

All participan­ts must own property, be it a house, office or apartment. We teach them to cut costs. Frank Scott Hew

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