New Straits Times

Accelerati­on of building THE NATION’S WORKFORCE


its agencies to train trainers. As a crucial group of talent who is key to upskill and reskill the Malaysian workforce, trainers too need to constantly develop and upskill themselves to be updated with the latest developmen­ts in the industry and to be at par with internatio­nal standards. Financial assistance to help this aspiration will be a tremendous help;

We need to increase the number of training experts who are being currently exported. There are many capable trainers whom are already exporting their services to other countries. The government can assist and help smoothen the pathway to take this to the next level. We need more government assistance to further expand these exports and training programmes into the regional markets.

Training Providers need to be considered partners in this industry which is brimming with great potential. We look forward to having more opportunit­ies for FMTA members to work directly with the Ministry and its agencies.

To have more funds to be allocated for training and TVET institutio­ns.

Each year, the budgeted allocation for this industry is huge, but a major portion is usually channelled back to government training and TVET institutio­ns compared to the private ones. Studies reveal that training programmes run by private institutio­ns are far more affordable as compared to the rates taken for at public institutio­ns. Most of the private institutio­ns are ever-ready with investment­s of necessary technology, software and skilled trainers to run the programmes. To also moot private-public initiative­s on this.

For a more holistic approach should be into considerat­ion looking into needs of the future and existing workforce which greatly differs.

To spearhead in preparing the workforce the 4th industrial revolution and digitalisa­tion. As this new technologi­cal emergence leads to shorter skills lifecycle, to cope with the situation, the nation has to constantly look into upskilling and reskilling the employees. FMTA members understand the industry needs in this issue and to work hand in hand with the ministry and its agencies.

“Human Capital are usually treated like cost. To have a holistic approach, they need to be treated as capital for the employer. With the rapid and constant technologi­cal changes, the government and employers need to look into ways on how the employees can learn while they earn as lifelong learning is the way,” said Thiagaraja.

FMTA hopes to receive further guidance and support from the ministry and its agencies to work together in achieving our common goal, the accelerati­on of building the nation’s workforce.

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