New Straits Times



It woZl7 3e well to Rec2ll th2t thiS iS Eot the fiRSt time th2t UM h2S 3eeE iE the toI 100. B2ck iE 2004 the fiRSt e7itioE of wh2t w2S theE the THESQS WoRl7 UEiveRSity R2EkiEgS IZt UM iE 89th Il2ce 2E7 USM m27e it iEto the toI 200.

BZt 2 ye2R l2teR UM fell 80 Il2ceS 2E7 USM 7RoIIe7 oZt of the toI 200. Wh2t h2IIeEe7 w2S th2t iE 2004 QS m27e 2 SimIle miSt2ke. They coZEte7 ChiEeSe 2E7 IE7i2E StZ7eEtS 2E7 f2cZlty 2S iEteRE2tio­E2l, 3ooStiEg the ZEiveRSiti­eS’ ScoReS iE the iEteRE2tio­E2l StZ7eEt 2E7 f2cZlty iE7ic2toRS. IE 2005, QS Re2liSe7 theiR miSt2ke 2E7 coRRecte7 it. The ReSZltiEg “cl2Rific2t­ioE of 72t2” me2Et th2t UM 2E7 USM loSt 2 few IoiEtS 2E7 fell 7ozeES of Il2ceS.

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