New Straits Times


This is because party gained most Malay votes in GE14, he says


FORMER chief justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad believes that Umno is not dead, despite its loss in the 14th General Election. He said this was because the party garnered the most Malay votes (40 per cent), compared with Pakatan Harapan (23 per cent) and Pas (25 per cent).

“The majority of Malay voters rejected PH. About 65 per cent of them voted for Umno and Pas. This means that if Umno and Pas were to cooperate, it would gain 65 per cent of votes.”

He said Malay voters who voted for PH in GE14 were not former Umno members who left the party and joined PKR, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia or Parti Amanah Negara.

He said some Malays, who were disillusio­ned by Umno leaders and swayed by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu, did not consider the implicatio­ns of the fall of the Barisan Nasional government helmed by Umno.

“They voted for PH because Dr Mahathir and Mohamad Sabu convinced them to hate former prime minisiter Datuk Seri Najib Razak. They didn’t believe that PKR, Bersatu and Amanah would not be able to control DAP the way Umno handled MCA, Gerakan and MIC for 60 years. I believe some of them are regretting their decision.”

He believed that Umno’s struggle was still relevant.

“Umno’s philosophy is to ensure that the rights of Malays and the position of Islam, as enshrined in the Constituti­on, are not eroded. If that is the struggle, then the philosophy is relevant.”

However, he said, it was time for Umno to detach itself from Najib.

“Collecting donations to help his legal fees will not restore Umno’s image.”

Hamid said Umno was on the right track. The problem, he said, was with its leaders, who had a high perception of corruption.

“Profession­als who were keen on politics found it difficult to break into the Umno hierarchy due to money politics and, in the end, joined Pas.

“We cannot deny the role of money politics in Umno. But now, it has no power. Where is it going to source for funds? This is why I hope that Umno’s defeat in GE14 will be an opportunit­y to eradicate money politics in the party.”

He said to restore Umno’s image, leaders tainted by controvers­ies should give way to others.

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