New Straits Times

Hadi: Stop attacking Umno


MARANG: Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has chided party speakers who go round attacking Umno.

Calling them to stop the action immediatel­y, Hadi said Umno was no longer in power and there was no point for Pas speakers to scorn the party.

He said Pas leaders and members must work with parties that defended Islam and “the political power of Muslims”.

“Some Pas speakers continue to whack Umno in our ceramah.

“Umno has been badly defeated, but some of our speakers think that it is still the ruling party.

“They must realise that Pakatan Harapan has formed the government now.”

He said the outcome of the 14th General Election (GE14) led to a unique situation where the formation of the government did not reflect the demographi­cal compositio­n of the populace.

“The outcome of GE14 was determined by the 21-to-30 age group and non-Muslim voters.

“About 30 per cent of these young voters and 90 per cent of the non-Muslim voters elected Pakatan Harapan candidates and toppled Barisan Nasional.”

Hadi said Malaysia had 65 per cent of Muslims, but Parliament was “now in the hands of nonMuslims”.

“This is a real challenge for us as what we approved at the state level may not get the consent of the Federal Government.”

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