New Straits Times

The seedlings of Van Gogh


How m2ny p2intings did vincent v2n Gogh sell? It is believed the Dutch impression­ist only sold one or two in his lifetime. He st2rted l2te 2nd his ye2rs 2s 2n 2rtist were short, only 2bout 2 dec2de before his de2th by suicide when he w2s 37.

But th2t w2s 2 trick question bec2use he sold hundreds of p2intings - just not his own. You see, young vinny h2d 2 stint working 2t 2n 2rt g2llery.

one of v2n Gogh’s most wellknown works is on sunflowers, which despite the cheerful yellow hue, is theorised to be 2 reminder of de2th.

He p2inted them in 2 v2se, 2nd while it’s 2 bit difficult to see on this p2ir of speci2l edition v2ns, some of the flowers 2re de2d 2nd others, dying.

But from 2 de2d sunflower come forth the seed he2d 2nd the beginnings of m2ny new pl2nts.

v2n Gogh m2y h2ve left us long 2go, but his 2dmirers 2re still growing.

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