New Straits Times

A rich fantasy

The latest feel-good outing by Sarawakian Malcolm Mejin allows readers to indulge in the fantasy of being filthy rich, writes Zuliantie Dzul


HOW would your life be if you had so much money that it could fill the entire ocean? For Sarawakian Malcolm Mejin, he would travel all around the world in his private jet. He would also own the latest gadgets, the likes of which are so expensive that they could only be afforded by the wealthiest.

It’s such a good fantasy that Mejin decided to pen it all down in his latest book, Diary of a Rich Kid, whose plot centres on a group of privileged, wealthy kids who lead the most lavish, extravagan­t lifestyle filled with excitement, suspense and adventure ― peppered with some humour. Launched just last month, the book can be purchased online at the moment at www. malcolmmej­

The story takes place in Kuching where Mejin was born. The 256-page illustrate­d book is filled with local references, which include the famous Sarawak Laksa and Kolo Mee. Sarawak Laksa is Robin Jin’s (the main character) favourite dish, and he cannot live without it.

“I wanted the name of my main character to sound catchy and easy to remember. And the name Robin just popped into my head. For Robin’s best friends, Ken and Charlie, I think their names are catchy too,” explains Mejin in an email interview.

The boys, especially Robin and Charlie, tote around Louis Vuitton and Prada. Their wardrobes, meanwhile, are filled with branded designer clothing and shoes. The only person who’s not that extravagan­t is Ken ― he wears normal, non-branded clothing and isn’t so into expensive designer clothing.

This is partly due to his upbringing. Ken comes from a middle-class family and he was sent to the most luxurious, prestigiou­s private internatio­nal school in Kuching for a well-rounded and good education. And this is where he came to be acquainted with Robin and Charlie and ended up becoming the best of friends.

I guess my own somewhat lavish lifestyle became a good source of ideas for the book. But that’s not to say I’m filthy rich ... . Malcolm Mejin


“I try to be original in my novel. For Diary

of a Rich Kid, I don’t think that anyone has written something like this in the market,” divulges Mejin before adding that he also wants his readers to enjoy his work which means that it’s a fine line between being original and delivering what the readers want.

It took the 32-year-old about three months to complete the book.

According to the author, his inspiratio­n was derived from his own lifestyle of having mingled with the rich and famous. He also admits to owning a few luxury items, such as a Louis Vuitton bag.

“I guess my own somewhat lavish lifestyle became a good source of ideas for the book. But that’s not to say I’m filthy rich like Robin or Charlie. If I were to spend extravagan­tly like them, I think I’d have to declare bankruptcy or something,” he quips.

Pretty simple to plough through, this is a great book if you’re looking to unwind over something that won’t tax your brain too much. “There’s excitement, suspense, adventure, and real-life situations which I think readers can relate to,” adds Mejin enthusiast­ically.

By real-life situations, he means coping with divorce. In the book, Charlie’s parents are divorced and his mother is marrying a new man. Charlie is filled with angst and goes through some rough patches as he finds it hard to accept his new father.

“I think having such issues, in addition to the more humorous and adventurou­s elements, add substance and realism to the novel, which will make it more relatable to people.”

Asked which character he personally can relate to the most, Mejin replies: “I think it’s a bit of both Robin and Ken. Even though Robin’s extremely rich, he’s still very down-to-earth and still goes to the hawker stores to eat his favourite laksa. And he treasures friendship, which I think is a good quality. Ken is quite laid-back and quite smart, which makes me like his character.”


The Sarawakian shares that he’s the only creative one in his family. But his passion for writing, which began when he was only six, had always been encouraged by his parents.

 ??  ?? The Louis Vuitton bag that Mejin owns. He was inspired by his own lavish lifestyle when he wrote Diary of a Rich Kid.
The Louis Vuitton bag that Mejin owns. He was inspired by his own lavish lifestyle when he wrote Diary of a Rich Kid.
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