New Straits Times


Keeping it healthy is just like taking care of our health, with enough nutrients and medication for specific diseases, writes


SINCE the dawn of human civilisati­on, soil has been indispensa­ble in supplying the food, water, and air for our survival, yet its importance has been largely taken for granted. Despite the fact that some vegetables can be cultivated with a “soilless” hydroponic method, the majority of food and commodity crops that feed and fuel the world rely on earthy soil.

Based on the latest World Bank statistics of 210 countries, Malaysia is ranked number 76 with 7.8 million hectares of agricultur­al land in 2015, compared with the largest agricultur­al country, China, with 527.8 million hectares.

The world’s total of 4.9 billion hectares of agricultur­al land in 2015 has been on a declining trend since 2008. To raise awareness of soil health, year 2015 has been coined as the year of soils (IYS2015) and Dec 5 as World Soil Day by the United Nations Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on.

Land is a limited natural resource. Only around three per cent of land is suitable for agricultur­e; the thin layer on top represents the soil on which we grow crops.

The gradual weathering of rocks takes hundreds of years to form one centimetre of soil, and in the case of fertile soil with enough organic matter, it will take thousands of years. Furthermor­e, soil is constantly threatened by intensive farming, which leads to nutrient depletion, accumulati­on of agrochemic­als, soil erosion and compaction.

Soil is regarded as a non-renewable resource: it is lost forever once destroyed. Therefore, it is imperative for us to take good care of our ever-shrinking arable land by considerin­g soil health.

Soil health goes beyond soil quality in that it covers the concept of continued capacity and vital living system to sustain a diverse community of soil organisms known as biota.

Healthy soil also contribute­s to climate change mitigation through carbon assimilati­on. Sustainabl­e farming such as intercropp­ing or crop rotation promotes healthy soils by keeping the soil nutrient balanced and reducing pests. This is particular­ly pertinent to small-scale farmers in Malaysia; not only can the manure from livestock serve as organic fertiliser or feed for aquacultur­e, but also multiple cropping can diversify income from different produce.

For larger-scale farmers in oil palm or rubber plantation­s, maintainin­g soil health will often heavily rely on chemical fertiliser­s which serve as an easy solution. However, this could result in excessive use of agrochemic­als that can be harmful to soil biota.

Chemical fertiliser­s can be described as medicine in treating acute nutrient deficiency in plants; organic fertiliser­s are akin to natural herbal remedies; while biofertili­sers with beneficial microbial enrichment are like health supplement­s or prebiotic drinks.

To maintain a healthy soil is like maintainin­g human health, which will require balanced intake of nutrients or proper medication for specific diseases. There is no shortcut or “one prescripti­on for all” solution to soil health, which requires integrated management of fertiliser applicatio­n accordingl­y.

This ingenious concept has been applied as a solution to basal stem rot (BSR) disease that is threatenin­g our oil palm industry. BSR is caused by a fungus known as Ganoderma boninenses which invades through the roots and degrades the trunk of oil palm inside out. By the time farmers detect the fruiting bodies that are shaped like a Lingzhi mushroom, it is too late to save the tree. The tell-tale signs of infected trees include spearing young leaves and skirting of yellowing older leaves.

Based on the concept of plant nutrient supplement, trees surroundin­g the infected tree can be prevented from getting BSR by providing biofertili­sers with special formulatio­n to promote plant lignin formation. Lignin is a class of organic polymers that make wood hard by reinforcin­g the plant cell wall. When the pathogenic fungus cannot invade trees with impenetrab­le roots, disease spreading is prevented. To put it simply, a strong healthy person is less likely to get infected by another flu patient.

Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy soils with all the micronutri­ents necessary for a healthy plant to grow than just supplying macronutri­ents from chemical fertiliser­s alone.

In short, maintainin­g soil health is not only important for preventing plant diseases and sustaining crop yield to ensure food security, but also to maintain a balanced ecosystem of soil biota for biodiversi­ty.

Furthermor­e, there is a new concept of regenerati­ve agricultur­e to reclaim loss of infertile soils through organic farming practices, such as conservati­on tillage, cover crops, composting, biochar, and pasture cropping.

The recent Malaysia Internatio­nal Agricultur­e Technology Exhibition has provided a great opportunit­y for all the stakeholde­rs in agro-industry to meet and showcase the latest technology in promoting soil health and educating farmers on its importance.

Before farmers can dream of a bumper crop, they must first take good care of the soil!

The writer is a leader of Plant Functional Genomics Research Group at the Institute of Systems Biology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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