New Straits Times


He allegedly killed his dad while under the influence of drugs, say cops


AMAN who is believed to have murdered his father and chopped the body into six parts in Kampung Kanthan Baru here has been remanded for seven days beginning yesterday.

Magistrate Siti Salwa Ja’afar issued the remand order to facilitate investigat­ions into the case involving the 52-year-old suspect.

The case is being investigat­ed under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder.

On Tuesday, the New Straits Times Press reported that the remains of the 74-year-old man were found in a 1.5m-deep sewage tank and a hole behind his home.

The discovery was made by the victim’s daughter about 9am after noticing blood on the mattress, pillow and wall at his house.

The victim’s head was severed in the incident.

Perak Criminal Investigat­ion Department head Senior Assistant Commission­er Yahya Abd Rahman said following the discovery, police arrested the victim’s son at 1.30pm.

He said a neighbour had heard the victim and his son arguing the night before the incident.

“After he was arrested, the suspect led police to a machete measuring about 0.6m, believed to have been used to chop up the victim.

“The blood-stained weapon was discovered in a room in their house,” he said at the scene.

Yahya said the suspect was believed to have acted viciously after his father scolded him for taking syabu in the house.

He said police believed the suspect was under the influence of drugs when he allegedly murdered his father.

Yahya said the victim’s hands, legs and head were buried in a hole, believed to have been dug up by the suspect.

The victim’s torso was tossed into a sewage tank.

 ?? PIC BY EFFENDY RASHID ?? The man who allegedly killed his father in Kampung Kanthan Baru, Ipoh, has been remanded for seven days.
PIC BY EFFENDY RASHID The man who allegedly killed his father in Kampung Kanthan Baru, Ipoh, has been remanded for seven days.

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