New Straits Times

Transformi­ng tiny balcony into garden oasis


HAVING a small balcony should not stop you from growing plants in the area. Balcony gardens can be intimate, manageable, useful, and absolutely stunning. But it all depends on how well you are able to transform the balcony.

What should you do to have a garden oasis in your balcony?

Firstly, make sure you get plants that are intended for outdoors. Consider the microclima­te of your outdoor space. You need to know the kind of light and how many hours of it the space gets in a day. Is your balcony sheltered or is it perpetuall­y shady?

Secondly, you need to check the weight-bearing maximum of your balcony before you start buying heavy, concrete pots and big gardening containers.

The rule of thumb is to make sure there is enough space to walk on it.

Finding out all these details will narrow down your search for the type of plants you should buy for the balcony.


The best types for your balcony are delicate fresh herbs, like basil, thyme, oregano and perhaps some vegetables that you use in cooking. Mix the lot with perennials to open the possibil- ity for some vibrant colours as you look out from your window. Large plants are another considerat­ion if you want to prevent the sunlight from entering your living room or bedroom. Moreover, large plants tend to grow bigger year after year, filling in your space with some nice green.


When choosing containers, in addition to appearance, also take into account what they are made of and their drainage. Pots made of porous materials, such as terra cotta, offer better drainage than plastic ones, which don’t allow any water to escape from the soil. Putting saucers under drainage holes prevents water from running onto your patio and spilling down your balcony.


Despite limited space in your balcony, you can still add a chair or two, and a small coffee table so you could enjoy the day outdoor. Determine the size, then get suitable plants and work them around the furniture.


Window boxes hung from railings, cascading hanging plants hung from the ceiling or tall stands, and even planters made to hang on walls can really take your balcony garden to the next level. The Internet offers many ideas, so check them out. There are numerous types which you can hang, but go for sun-loving plants.





Moss rose (Portulaca grandiflor­a) Petunia


Signet marigold


Ivy-leaf geranium

American Flame Flower


Sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas) Periwinkle (Vinca)

Spider Plant

English Ivy

Donkey’s Tail

 ??  ?? You can create lots of green space even in a small bacony.
You can create lots of green space even in a small bacony.
 ??  ?? Place some furniture along with plants and turn your balcony into a place to unwind.
Place some furniture along with plants and turn your balcony into a place to unwind.
 ??  ?? Window boxes hung from railings, cascading hanging plants hung from the ceiling or from tall stands, and even planters made to hang on walls or in pots can take your balcony garden to the next level.
Window boxes hung from railings, cascading hanging plants hung from the ceiling or from tall stands, and even planters made to hang on walls or in pots can take your balcony garden to the next level.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? It is not expensive to transform a bare balcony into a little oasis.
It is not expensive to transform a bare balcony into a little oasis.

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