New Straits Times


People rejected Umno to build a New Malaysia, says DAP deputy chief


DAP will not engage in any cooperatio­n with Umno, DAP deputy chairman Gobind Singh Deo said yesterday. “They (Umno) opposed us in the 14th General Election (GE14). We urged the people to reject them and the people did so with the desire to build a New Malaysia.

“DAP will not engage in any cooperatio­n with Umno. Period. We should not work with them,” he said on his Facebook account.

Gobind was responding to a proposal by Barisan Nasional secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz on Saturday that Umno work with PKR and DAP to forge a unity government despite Umno members not being in favour of such an idea.

Nazri reportedly believed that it was the only way for Umno to survive until the next general election.

Gobind, who is communicat­ions and multimedia minister, said the matter of former BN elected representa­tives joining the Pakatan Harapan coalition must be scrutinise­d.

He said it would be discussed at a PH meeting soon.

Gobind said given the current situation, priority should be given to the reform agenda and the rehabilita­tion of the country

He added that the people’s mandate must be respected.

“PH must safeguard the interests of the people who have placed their trust in PH to clean up and save Malaysia,”

 ??  ?? Gobind Singh Deo
Gobind Singh Deo

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