New Straits Times


The prime minister’s approach to governance and handling crises should be used as ‘tools’ by ministers and those in the civil service

- The writer is a former member of parliament for Parit Sulong, Johor (1990-2004)

SEVERAL speeches of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had already defined Malaysia Baru’s approaches to domestic peace, progress and prosperity. They are also aimed at enhancing political stability, promoting religious harmony, redressing economic disparity and protecting national security.

The following approaches are adapted from the prime minister’s speeches on Nov 29, Dec 3, Dec 8 and Dec 9, as reported in the New Straits Times, Bernama and other media. They are listed below on a thematic and verbatim basis, with very minor editing.

BUMIPUTERA POLICY: “Poor Bumiputera­s must be given opportunit­ies, so they can catch up with the other races. If we don’t give them a little more opportunit­ies than the other races, if we believe we must give everyone the same thing, and to give in to equality; then only those who are able to do so will succeed.”

NATIONAL SECURITY: “The maintenanc­e of national security, peace, harmony and stability is a shared responsibi­lity. The government will ensure no one disrupts or makes a mockery of these core national values. The government will act according to the law to protect them.”

DEMOCRACY: “Democracy has its limits. But everyone must understand and know, there will be repercussi­ons for those who cross the line.” RULE OF LAW: “No one is above the law. The government upholds

the principle of the rule of law, and will act in accordance with the law.”

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: “The government respects freedom of speech, but will not tolerate abusers who threaten public peace and order. Freedom of speech does not mean anyone can say things that provoke the sensitivit­ies of others. The government will take action on those abusing this freedom.”

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: “The government has pledged not to impose barriers on news reporting and communicat­ion. But this freedom must be used with full responsibi­lity to avoid interracia­l breakups and disharmony.”

FREEDOM OF ACTION: “Don’t violate the law to fulfil selfish needs, cause anxiety among the people, and create chaos in the country. Avoid activities that could be the platform for instigatio­n and sedition. The government will take firm action against anyone provoking or challengin­g the laws of the country.”

The government had recently applied some of the above approaches to prevent the temple incident in Selangor from escalating into violence, like what happened in India 26 years ago. In 1992, “rightist Hindus’ destructio­n of a large Muslim mosque in the Northern Indian town of Ayodhya was followed by widespread anti-Muslim riots across North India” (Johanna M. Lessinger [2003] in “Religious violence in India”).

The recent use of the approaches is also very crucial because “problem of race relations is always a major challenge to nation-building process in a plural society” (Arjunan Narayanan & Kamarulniz­am Abdullah [2012] in “Hubungan Kaum, Pembinaan Negara-Bangsa dan Keselamata­n Nasional Malaysia”).

However, Dr Mahathir’s approaches to national security, from 1981-2003, were also guided by a philosophy on political stability and economic prosperity. It was because “political instabilit­y and economic backwardne­ss threatened our national security” [Mahathir Mohamad, in Ruhanie Ahmad (2017), “Sekuritisa­si dan pengurusan keselamata­n Malaysia era Mahathir 1981-2003”].

Hence here are Dr Mahathir’s approaches to political stability, legitimacy and security; on equitable distributi­on of national wealth among races and between regions; as well as on discipline and abuse of power among PH members of administra­tion and elected representa­tives, at the federal and state levels.

PRIMARY MISSION: “PH government will ensure Malaysia becomes more progressiv­e. Hence the power bestowed on the government and the administra­tion is to allow them to perform their duties, and not for self-benefit or interest.”

ABUSE OF POWER: “If power is abused, the country will not progress. This will cause a moral decline in society. Therefore, be careful when using the power given to us. If we realise or feel unsure that the power may cause something not good to our country, do not exercise it. Instead, we discuss and get advice on how the power is to be exercised.”

CORRUPTION: “PH won the GE14 because it fought corruption. Hence do not be involved in illegal activities like graft. If PH remains clean and doesn’t get greedy, it will continue to be in power and can win GE15.”

NATIONAL WEALTH: “PH government wants all Malaysians to enjoy the country’s wealth and independen­ce. But if the gap between the rich and the poor is too far, it will raise feelings of envy and hate; or will create hostility between urban and rural areas, between the poor and the rich, even between one race and another.

Therefore, protect peace and harmony in Malaysia, to enable the country’s wealth be distribute­d equally to reduce the gap between the urban and rural areas.” SECURITY MANAGEMENT:

“When we have rioting and other issues, handle them wisely as a government that is concerned and with experience.” GOOD GOVERNANCE: “All the above can be achieved with good governance that is free from corruption and events intentiona­lly made to stir chaos and racial animosity.”

The above approaches are tools in state-making for use by PH members of the administra­tion and policy-makers. Hence PH ministers and the civil service have to move on with vigour, finesse, discipline and wisdom.

The government had recently applied some of the above approaches to prevent the temple incident in Selangor from escalating into violence, like what happened in India 26 years ago.

 ?? FILE PIC ?? Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad speaking in Parliament (Nov 29) on the action taken by the government to keep the peace and maintain harmony among the races after the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple incident in Seafield, Subang Jaya.
FILE PIC Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad speaking in Parliament (Nov 29) on the action taken by the government to keep the peace and maintain harmony among the races after the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple incident in Seafield, Subang Jaya.
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