New Straits Times


They warn of additional risks for emerging markets despite 8 consecutiv­e weeks of inflows into asset class


IF Jason Daw is right, some of the world’s biggest investors are setting themselves up for a major disappoint­ment. The Singapore-based strategist at Societe Generale, one of the few to anticipate the slump in emerging markets (EMs) beginning next month, sees no imminent turnaround for the asset class.

He said the modest rally in currencies since September, led by Turkey’s lira, Brazil’s real and South Africa’s rand, was temporary and that slower global growth and additional tightening by the Federal Reserve (Fed) would continue to weaken developing-nation currencies.

“It will be a multi-year process for investment behaviour to adapt to less generous dollar liquidity conditions after a decade of easy money,” he said.

“The hurdle for capital to flow back into EMs is high and a significan­t macro catalyst is required to turn the narrative around.”

Daw is among a cadre of contrarian­s including Man GLG money manager Lisa Chua, Bank of America strategist David Woo and Harvard economist Carmen Reinhart warning of additional risks for EMs, even after eight consecutiv­e weeks of inflows into the asset class.

They point to a gloomier growth outlook amid an escalating trade war, the prospect of further US dollar strength as well as pockets of fragility in China, Brazil and India.

That would compound the pain from an already tumultuous year in which EM equities slid into a bear market and every major currency in the developing world declined against the dollar.

Some combinatio­n of Chinese stimulus, an end to the United States-China trade war, a pause in Fed tightening due to inflation and higher oil prices could help spur a rebound within the asset class, according to Daw.

While bears are in agreement that EMs will remain under pressure next year, they’re split on what will be the primary source of pain.

Daw said the time to dive in to EM assets would be when the Fed starts to cut rates, and that could be 18 months away.

“I get the feeling consensus is on the more optimistic side,” he said. “We have believed that EM foreign exchange could weaken since the end of last year.”

He sees some value in Argentina, which led emerging-market currency declines this year. The South American country is also looking more attractive to Chua.

The Societe Generale strategist also recommends shorting the Brazilian real against Mexico’s peso as the initial market euphoria following Jair Bolsonaro’s election wanes.

Woo’s biggest concern is that China President Xi Jinping’s government has no incentive to make concession­s on trade, especially with US President Donald Trump hobbled by congressio­nal gridlock.

Domestical­ly, Chinese authoritie­s must juggle the need for stimulus with the desire to rein in runaway home prices. Woo recommends shorting the Indian rupee and Mexican peso as the slowdown in China weighs on assets across the developing world.

“You want to buy EM?” he said. “I wouldn’t touch EM with a 10foot pole until there’s a resolution between the US and China.”

Another China bear, John-Paul Smith, founder of Ecstrat Ltd in London, says he’s steadfast in warning that a slowdown will hurt emerging-market equities.

He recommends being underweigh­t or zero-weight Chinese shares, Russian stocks and South Korea’s won, given their sensitivit­y to trade and commoditie­s.

“I expect all three to have significan­t downside in US dollar terms between now and the end of 2019.”

It’s best to remain underweigh­t EM bonds as spreads potentiall­y widen to 450 basis points over US Treasuries, according to Kathy Jones, chief fixed-income strategist at Charles Schwab & Co in New York.

She expects the greenback to remain firm near term, while additional Fed tightening, slowing Chinese growth and lower commodity prices also prevent a big rally.

“There is a case for a rebound in EM some time in 2019 once the peak in tightening financial conditions has been reached,” said Jones .

“We just aren’t seeing it in the near term.”

 ?? BLOOMBERG PIC ?? Analysts are pointing to a gloomier growth outlook for 2019 amid an escalating trade war, the prospect of further US dollar strength as well as pockets of fragility in China, Brazil and India.
BLOOMBERG PIC Analysts are pointing to a gloomier growth outlook for 2019 amid an escalating trade war, the prospect of further US dollar strength as well as pockets of fragility in China, Brazil and India.

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