New Straits Times


Chinese president offers Kim backing, while S. Korea tells North to be practical on denucleari­sation


CHINESE President Xi Jinping offered North Korean leader Kim Jongun firm backing in deadlocked nuclear talks with the United States, insisting the two sides should meet “halfway”, state media said yesterday.

Jong-un visited Beijing for two days of discussion­s that reasserted China’s role in the process, and were seen as a strategy session ahead of a second summit between the North Korean leader and US President Donald Trump.

At their first meeting in Singapore in June, Jong-un and Trump signed a vaguely worded document with Jong-un pledging to work towards the “denucleari­sation of the Korean peninsula”.

But progress has stalled, with Pyongyang and Washington DC, which stations 28,500 troops in South Korea, disagreein­g over what that means.

North Korea wants relief from the multiple sanctions imposed on it over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes, while the US wants the measures to remain until Pyongyang gives up its arms, something it has made no public promise to do.

China also wants the sanctions relaxed, and Xi said he “hopes that the DPRK and the United States will meet each other halfway”, according to China’s state news agency, Xinhua, using the initials of the North’s official name.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said North Korea needed to take “more bold, practical measures for denucleari­sation” to ensure sanctions were lifted.

“Correspond­ing measures must be devised to facilitate North Korea’s continued denucleari­sation efforts,” he said yesterday, such as the US agreeing to a “peace regime” and formally declaring an end to the 1950-53 Korean War.

Moon acknowledg­ed that the agreement Jong-un and Trump signed was “somewhat vague”.

He said there was “scepticism” that Jong-un’s “concept of denucleari­sation” would be different from what the US wanted.

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