New Straits Times


Result sets the stage for Congo’s first democratic transfer of power


DEMOCRATIC Republic of Congo’s electoral commission yesterday declared opposition leader Felix Tshisekedi the surprise winner of last month’s chaotic presidenti­al election, but the runner-up dismissed the outcome as an “electoral coup”.

The result sets the stage for Congo’s first democratic transfer of power, but also a tense political standoff with the potential for the kind of violence that followed the polls in 2006 and 2011 whose outcomes were contested.

Vote tallies by Congo’s Catholic church showed second place opposition candidate Martin Fayulu as victor, according to two diplomats briefed on the findings.

Tshisekedi won with 38.57 per cent of more than 18 million ballots cast, said Election Commission president Corneille Nangaa.

“Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo is declared the provisiona­lly-elected president of Democratic Republic of Congo,” Nangaa said to a mixture of cheers and gasps.

In the neighbourh­ood of Limete here where Tshisekedi lives, thousands of people danced in the streets in celebratio­n.

Some chanted that Congo had “turned the page” on the Kabila era, which began in 1997 when outgoing President Joseph Kabila’s father, Laurent, led a rebellion that overthrew longtime leader Mobutu Sese Seko. Joseph took over in 2001 when Laurent was assassinat­ed.

Tshisekedi paid his respects to Kabila, whom he called “an important political partner”, and promised to rule for all Congo’s 80 million people.

“I will not be the president of a political organisati­on... I will not be the president of a tribe... I will be the president of all Congolese,” he said.

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