New Straits Times

Najib signed RM1m cheque for Upko, says ex-veep


KUALA LUMPUR: “I took the cheque, put it in my pocket and went home.”

The matter of fact response was from a witness who testified that Datuk Seri Najib Razak had given him a RM1 million cheque in February 2015.

Former United Pasok Momogun Kadazandus­un Organisati­on (Upko) vice-president and treasurer-general Datuk Seri Dr Marcus Mojigoh said he met Najib to get the cheque at the Prime Minister’s Office after being summoned there.

“I received the cheque from him. He signed it in front of me.”

Marcus, who was the 15th prosecutio­n witness, had deputy public prosecutor Muhammad Saifuddin Hashim Musaimi confused at one stage when referring to Najib.

He first called the former prime minister as chairman (of Barisan Nasional), before going on to call him president.

“Which is which?” Saifuddin asked before Marcus replied that he was talking about Najib. Datuk Seri Najib, bossku,” he said, before taking some time to locate the accused, who was seated in the dock.

Marcus then gave Najib a salute before he was crossed examined by the latter’s lead counsel, Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.

To a question, he said Upko, which was a party in BN that left the coalition after the 14th General Election, needed funding to carry out various socio-economic programmes in Sabah.

He said the party asked for funding from those “higher up”, referring to Najib.

He said the RM1 million given by Najib was disbursed to various divisions to carry out programmes, including helping the infirmed and needy.

Another witness, Penang Umno executive secretary Ahmad Sahar, confirmed that the party also received RM1 million from Najib in February 2015.

He said the party had asked for RM2 million, but only got half of that.

During cross examinatio­n by Shafee, Ahmad said the money was needed to cover Penang Umno’s administra­tive expenses and to carry out people-centric programmes, including helping the poor and needy.

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