New Straits Times

Do not rely on lightning warning system alone


JUST how reliable is a lightning warning system (LWS)?

This system, which is being installed in an increasing number of facilities in the country and around the world, claims to provide advance warning that a lightning is about to occur.

When lightning activity is considered close enough to endanger people in an area, such as a golf course, a recreation­al ground or a large industrial complex, LWS will trigger a siren to warn people to take shelter immediatel­y.

A recent incident that occurred at a prestigiou­s golf event, the United States Women’s Open, has put the spotlight on the effectiven­ess of LWS, also known as the thundersto­rm warning system.

A lightning bolt struck a tree close to the clubhouse and 18th hole minutes after the siren was triggered. In the accompanyi­ng video, a few people could be seen loitering around the area when the lightning struck the tree.

Fortunatel­y, the players were at a different location when the incident occurred. Had they been playing at the 18th hole, they would have been hit by the lightning bolt or seriously injured.

The problem with LWS is design and how it is operated. The system can detect the electrical signals emitted by the lightning bolt, determine the range and even position from the station or clubhouse.

When a lightning enters a set range which is considered dangerousl­y close to the clubhouse, it will trigger the siren. But how close is close?

Scientific studies have revealed that lightning can strike up to 15km from the thunderclo­ud. Although no one can see the lightning bolt, unless they are on high ground, the thunder generated can probably be heard if the bolt is a powerful one.

A less powerful lightning bolt produces thunder that can be heard at closer range.

About a decade ago, I had a meeting with officials of a local golf club and witnessed that their LWS siren was not triggered although thunder could be repeatedly heard some distance away.

The players continued playing until a very loud thunder triggered the siren.

When questioned about this matter, the club officials replied that they had set the siren to be activated only when a bolt was detected just outside the golf course.

Golfers, sportsmen and the public are advised to seek shelter in a large building or lightningp­rotected shelter as soon as they hear a thunder, or preferably earlier when they can see dark clouds forming nearby.

They should not just rely on the LWS for their safety since such system can be outwitted by nature, and lightning can strike up to 15km from the thunderclo­ud. Z.A. HARTONO Kuala Lumpur

 ?? FILE PIC ?? Dark clouds are signs that a thundersto­rm is coming.
FILE PIC Dark clouds are signs that a thundersto­rm is coming.

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