New Straits Times

Proud parade moments

The recent National Day celebratio­ns in Putrajaya offered great opportunit­ies for Salliza Salleh to take memorable shots


THE recent Merdeka parade in Putrajaya was indeed a colourful one. I was among the thousands who came to see and photograph the parade. Both parade participan­ts and onlookers were in a festive mood, dressed up to the hilt in patriotic outfits and singing the national anthem. The celebratio­ns really looked good in photograph­s.

I made some preparatio­ns before the actual parade, including attending the full dress rehearsal on Aug 29. This gave me some time to walk around and find the best spots to take my photos during the actual day.

Below are some tips I’d like to share for taking parade shots during Merdeka Day.

1. CAMERA SETTING AND GEAR: I prefer minimal camera gear. One camera with a 24-70mm lens and another with a 70-200mm lens attached, extra SD cards, batteries, a small monopod and a water bottle should be enough. Play with different shutter speeds and aperture settings to get creative shots of the parade.

Move from angle to angle, do not just stick to one spot. Be curious. In this photo, with a 24-70mm lens, I wanted to slow down the movement of the flags so I set my camera on speed priority at 1/60, ISO 200 and aperture f/22.

2. FOLLOW THE FLAG: My objective was to capture as many Jalur Gemilang moments as possible during the parade. It is easier when you have a clear objective. I was always ready to capture creative moments that I came across. With my 70-200mm lens, I captured the movement of the flags on the flag stage in front of the main stage. Camera setting: ISO 500, aperture f/7.1 and shutter speed 1/1000.

3. BACKGROUND: Always check out the background. Fill your frame with an engaging background. Never underestim­ate the power of a compelling background for your subject. With my 70-200mm lens, I chose a background and waited for my subject to enter the frame. Camera setting: Aperture f/8, shutter speed 1/1600 and ISO 500.

4. STOCK PHOTOS: Festival parades are the best time to stock up on photos for the social media feed, blog, stock photos, and articles. With my 24-70mm lens, I captured the participan­t at a low angle perspectiv­e and waited for the right moment. Camera setting: Aperture f/8, shutter speed 1/180 and ISO 200.

5. CREATIVE SHOTS: Look for leading lines, perspectiv­es, layering or a pattern between the crowds. The most rewarding moment in street photograph­y is when you manage to capture the decisive moment, and the unplanned or spontaneou­s moment. The crowd would be continuous­ly moving, so think fast and be quick with your camera. This photo was taken with my 70-200mm lens pointed at a low angle. Camera setting: Aperture f/8, shutter speed 1/200 and ISO 500.

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