New Straits Times


Many Indians are rising after long feeling powerless against policies that marginalis­e Muslims


MUMBAI-BASED copywriter Sarah Syed says she was long alarmed by the Hindu nationalis­t direction of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but felt powerless to stop it — until now.

Like many others taking part in the current wave of protests, the final straw was Modi’s new citizenshi­p law and then the images of students being tear-gassed when they demonstrat­ed against it.

“It’s not as if one didn’t know things were not right. But for many of us, politics was just too depressing to think about,” said Syed, a Muslim married to a Catholic.

“Now though it feels criminal to sit out the protests and say nothing,” the 27-year-old said.

The law, which offers fast-track citizenshi­p to non-Muslim nationals from three neighbouri­ng countries, is the latest policy by Modi’s government that critics accuse of marginalis­ing Muslims in the Hindu-majority nation.

In his nearly six years in power, Modi’s party has renamed places with Islamic-origin names, rewritten history textbooks to diminish or discredit the role of Muslim leaders and stripped the Muslimdomi­nated region of Kashmir of its special autonomy.

Modi had insisted the legislatio­n would have no impact on Indian Muslims, but his party’s 2019 election pledge to conduct a nationwide survey to identify illegal immigrants raised fears among Muslims of becoming stateless, with no fast-track naturalisa­tion option available to them.

Mumbai-based lawyer Momin Musaddique, who has been providing free legal advice to people worried about the implicatio­ns of the law, said years of pent-up anxiety among Muslims had finally found an outlet in the protests rippling across the country.

“People have been afraid for so long of this government’s Hindu nationalis­t agenda that they now feel like they have nothing left to fear. Now that their very survival in India is under threat, they have no option but to protest.”

In addition to Muslims, the demonstrat­ions have galvanised large sections of Indian society, from secular Hindus and other minorities to intellectu­als and opposition politician­s.

Historian Zoya Hasan, from Jawaharlal Nehru University here, said the protests represente­d “the biggest challenge to the Modi government in the last six years”.

Several local government­s in opposition-ruled states, such as Kerala and West Bengal, had said they would not conduct surveys for the national citizens’ register, responding to the public mood and underminin­g the prime minister’s authority.

Although the protests began as a fight against the citizenshi­p law, many demonstrat­ors were now seeking a rollback of the government’s push to remake officially secular India as a Hindu nation, said Hasan.

Neverthele­ss, she added, the unrest was unlikely to derail Modi’s Hindu nationalis­t campaign and risk alienating his base that propelled him to a landslide reelection victory in May.

“The government may take a step back as a result of the protests, but they are not going to move away from their core agenda.”

For first-time protester Syed, participat­ing in the demonstrat­ions left her with “goosebumps” as she described her elation at seeing people from different communitie­s come together.

“I used to feel so helpless, like there was nothing I could do to change the way things were in this country. The government’s strategy has been all smoke and mirrors. Now we have woken up.”

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