New Straits Times

All geared up for 5G deployment nationwide


KUALA LUMPUR: Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) is ready for the deployment of fifth-generation (5G) technology.

Group chief executive officer Datuk Noor Kamarul Anuar Nuruddin said TM is committed to providing high-speed broadband to more than 98 per cent of the population.

“This includes building critical infrastruc­ture for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and creating new opportunit­ies for large enterprise­s as well as small businesses,” he said in an interview recently.

Noor Kamarul, however, said the government would need to award the spectrum licence before TM can proceed with the 5G deployment.

He said the cost of installing the infrastruc­ture is within the company’s cost guidance.

“We continuous­ly evolve in line with customers’ needs and technology advancemen­ts. Today, we serve the digital society, empowering citizens with the right skills to live and thrive in a digital world. We also serve the digital economy, enabling the accelerati­on of core processes across priority sectors, including agricultur­e, manufactur­ing and oil and gas, and promoting the informatio­n and communicat­ions technology sector’s growth.”

Noor Kamarul said TM began deploying high-speed broadband and sub-urban broadband projects in 2008 to support the national digital economy agenda.

“To date, we have installed over three million ports and contribute­d to the increase in broadband penetratio­n from 16.5 per 100 inhabitant­s in 2010 to 131.7 per 100 inhabitant­s last year.

“We are upgrading our network to improve quality and to be 5Gready. This will increase our network capacity by more than 10 times,” he added.

Chief strategy officer Tengku Muneer Tengku Muzani dismissed the notion that TM is holding other telcos back and said the group should be allowed to roll out 5G to propagate faster connectivi­ty for the country.

“But it is the government’s prerogativ­e. We want to be the telco of telcos. It is not about monopoly, but rather allowing other telcos to ride on our infrastruc­ture.

“There are more than 100 licensees in the country but nobody has done it because it is costly. Economies of scale are required and we have already achieved it.”

Tengku Muneer said the deployment of 5G is dependent on the area of coverage and the import of equipment, which may take time due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“In terms of digitising the entire country, there is no single company that can do it. Hence, every player needs to participat­e. We do not want an overlappin­g infrastruc­ture. Sharing infrastruc­ture is a common thing among the telco industry.”

He said TM aspires to roll out 5G to underserve­d households, adding that the future will not be about Internet quota but rather unlimited data.

 ?? PIC BY MUSTAFFA KAMAL ?? Telekom Malaysia Bhd began deploying high-speed broadband and sub-urban broadband projects in 2008 to support the national digital economy agenda.
PIC BY MUSTAFFA KAMAL Telekom Malaysia Bhd began deploying high-speed broadband and sub-urban broadband projects in 2008 to support the national digital economy agenda.

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