New Straits Times


Myanmar junta slammed for deaths of 44 kids, forced disappeara­nce of hundreds of people


MYANMAR’S junta faced fresh internatio­nal criticism yesterday over the deaths of more than 40 children and the “forced disappeara­nce” of hundreds of people in its crackdown on pro-democracy protests.

The military’s ruthless suppressio­n of demonstrat­ions against its Feb 1 power grab has left 543 civilians dead, including 44 children, according to the Assistance Associatio­n for Political Prisoners, a local monitoring organisati­on.

As well as breaking up protests with tear gas, rubber bullets and live rounds, security forces have detained some 2,700 people.

Violence has ramped up in recent weeks, with Save the Children saying the death toll of youngsters had more than doubled in the past 12 days.

“We are shocked that children continue to be among the targets of these fatal attacks, despite repeated calls to protect children from harm,” the charity said.

“It is horrifying that several of these children were reportedly killed at home, where they should have been safe from harm.”

The authoritie­s have made numerous arrests during night raids on the homes of people suspected of supporting the rallies or the civil disobedien­ce movement that has sprung up aimed at stopping the military from running the country.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the junta had “forcibly disappeare­d” hundreds of people, refusing to confirm their location or allow access to lawyers.

“The military junta’s widespread use of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappeara­nces appears designed to strike fear in the hearts of anti-coup protesters,” said HRW’s Asia director, Brad Adams.

“Concerned government­s should demand the release of those who disappeare­d and impose targeted economic sanctions against junta leaders to finally hold this abusive military to account.”

Outrage from world powers has been growing at the increasing violence, and on Thursday, the United Nations Security Council unanimousl­y “expressed deep concern at the rapidly deteriorat­ing situation”, condemning violence against peaceful protesters.

Britain announced a new round of sanctions, this time targeting the junta’s extensive business interests, as well as a US$700,000 contributi­on towards UN efforts to document serious human rights violations in Myanmar.

But so far, neither sanctions nor calls for restraint have shown any sign of holding back the junta as it struggles to quell the widespread unrest.

There were more protests around the country yesterday, according to local media reports.

People here left flowers at bus stops and other public spots in memory of those killed in the crackdown. The junta has throttled communicat­ions to stop news getting out, and on Thursday, it ordered a complete shutdown of wireless Internet services.

Ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi has meanwhile been hit with a new criminal charge, accused of breaking an official secrets law.

The 75-year-old, a democracy icon in Myanmar for decades, faces a raft of charges and conviction would see her barred from political office for the rest of her life.

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