New Straits Times

Words and motivation


EVERYONE needs motivation once in a while. This was what I experience­d recently. I was struggling to finish a project completion report when my wife gave me some words of motivation. A few days before, I sent my car for a good polish and waxing job. I was very impressed with the work of the car wash employees and related it to my wife.

She said: “You can do it! Remember your polished waxed car? The shine is excellent. Now you can also ‘polish and wax’ your report so it will also shine!” That was exactly what I needed. I felt a renewed rush of motivation to finally finish the report. They were just the right words to inspire this car enthusiast. I’m happy to report (pun intended) that my report was finally completed and I felt shiny and bright that day.

Such is the power of words. Use it correctly and it will make the impossible possible. Use it wrongly, it will kill off any determinat­ion. Words are something we cannot take back once they’re out. There’s a Malay proverb that says: “You can reverse an overshot boat, but if you overshoot your words, be prepared for dire consequenc­es.”

The words we use with our loved ones can leave a huge impact and create either a lasting good, or bad memory. Hence, it’s critical to choose and use them wisely. Words can make or break relationsh­ips.


There was this anonymous quote I came across recently which said: “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” I experience­d that with my report-writing. Not only did I manage to complete it, I also felt happy for days after. You can generate this to your family too by choosing and using your words carefully.

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you,” said KushandWiz­dom, a famous blog site. I couldn’t agree more.

Having (family) authority is a responsibi­lity, not a privilege. Always be mindful of how we conduct ourselves.

Always watch our words. Once we lose our cool and hurt the feelings of the very people we love, we’re like a bomb destroying everything we’ve built. Not only do we destroy our family harmony, but we also end up reversing all those hours spent nurturing a happy and loving home.

When we use harsh words one too many times, it’s a clear signal that there could be several unresolved issues. These issues could be internal ones with our own self. It could also be an external one involving people in our life.

Whatever the issues are, don’t leave them hanging for too long. Make a commitment to resolve them today. Start with listing down all the things that bother us. Try tackling them one day at a time.

Work with the most urgent ones first. Deal with the other issues another day if you can. Don’t let them get mixed up. Why? They could lead us to using wrong and hurtful words. Remember, we mustn’t lose our cool when dealing with the most important people in our lives — our family.

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