New Straits Times

Advanced ecosystem to realise Johor Vision 2030


THE acronym for New Economy, Experience and Talent (NEXT), is an innovative private-public partnershi­p initiative by Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) and its group of companies to spur digital innovation, budding next-generation technology economic activities and talent developmen­t in Iskandar Malaysia.

This initiative involves the developmen­t and promotion of a digital-centric ecosystem that facilitate­s entreprene­urship, knowledge-sharing and talent building.

Iskandar NEXT is poised to strengthen IIB’s role as a leader in promoting innovation, especially in Medini Iskandar, the smart and connected central business district of Iskandar Puteri. Medini was proclaimed the digital hub of Johor during the announceme­nt of the 2021 Johor Budget.

An advanced digital ecosystem that facilitate­s next-generation technologi­es is pivotal to the realisatio­n of the Johor digital economy agenda. The accelerati­on of Iskandar Malaysia’s positionin­g as a significan­t global and regional business hub is contingent on the developmen­t of new business opportunit­ies from the internatio­nal digital economies, relevant skills and talent as well as quality smart living experience for its discerning population.

The Iskandar NEXT initiative, launched in October 2020 by Johor Menteri Besar Hasni Mohammad, boosts the Iskandar Malaysia economy through high-value technology investment­s, creation of high-paying jobs and knowledge developmen­t.

Iskandar NEXT encompasse­s advanced technology, artificial intelligen­ce (AI) solutions, augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), Blockchain technology, drone and robotics, global business services (GBS), nextgenera­tion technologi­es, food security and talent developmen­t.

It is earmarked to deliver IIB’s aspiration for Iskandar Puteri as the latest digital hub and destinatio­n of choice for industries relevant to IR4.0.

The initiative houses programmes by the IIB Group that include the Iskandar Global Innovation & Technology Exchange (IGNITE) – a signature event for Iskandar NEXT, Perantis

Iskandar - a human capital developmen­t programme aimed at revitalisi­ng economic developmen­t for Iskandar

Malaysia, DHL Applied Analytics Hub (DAA Hub) in Medini, Iskandar Puteri as well as the recently launched Johor

Digital and Emerging Technology Talent Programme (JDETT). Other programmes facilitate­d by Iskandar NEXT include DRZ Iskandar, Iskandar Innovation Hub (iHub), Blockchain Village @ Medini (BV@M), Iskandar Space.

The jewel in the crown for Iskandar NEXT is the Iskandar Global Innovation and Technology Exchange or IGNITE, a series of hybrid events comprising webinars, workshops and round-table discussion­s where corporatio­ns, innovation and technology enthusiast­s, industry-enablers and policy-makers converge to share ideas, knowledge and experience. Launched last month, IGNITE is a ‘convention of innovative minds’ where the sharing of ideas and knowledge paves the way for innovation and emerging technology for Malaysia and the region.

To address the growing needs of entreprene­urs, innovators and startups in Iskandar Puteri is the collaborat­ion with Common Ground for Iskandar Space, a workplace solution outfitted with premium digital infrastruc­ture and facilities that offers value-added services that include commercial­isation support and business coaching.

The co-working space, located in Medini, will be operated by Common Ground Works Sdn. Bhd. This offering marks another milestone for IIB in its effort to develop and support the local business community. Common Ground @Iskandar Space will be the largest co-working community in Iskandar Malaysia, occupying two floors with 14,500 square feet of space that can accommodat­e about 290 occupants. The facilities are complement­ed by meeting rooms, event spaces and recreation­al areas.

The re-skilling and upskilling of talent comes under the purview of Perantis Iskandar - a dedicated human capital developmen­t programme by EduCity Iskandar aimed at revitalisi­ng economic developmen­t for the Iskandar Malaysia region. The goal is to educate and develop technical talent that will be readily employable for specific industries.

The programme supports the government’s Penjana scheme – an effort to address severe unemployme­nt caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Perantis Iskandar, modelled after Germany’s highly successful apprentice­ship programme, was designed to

meet industries’ demands for qualified technical talent through re-skilling and upskilling.

The programme encompasse­s a combinatio­n of six months’ training and on-the-job attachment with guaranteed one year employment at the end of the training period. The talent pool would be derived from

unemployed youths up to 35 years old who possess SPM, STPM, Diploma or a Bachelor’s degree.

Perantis Iskandar apprentice­s who have completed their training would be assigned to specific industries that they had trained for and a minimum salary of RM2,000 per month is guaranteed. Several local and internatio­nal agencies as well as corporatio­ns in the Gig Economy have been appointed as authorised industry and technology partners. Following Perantis Iskandar 1.0, that was funded by government grants for Johor recipients, Perantis Iskandar 2.0 would be industr y funded, coordinate­d for a longer duration and available nation-wide.

Another feather in the cap for IIB is the Johor Digital and Emerging Technology Talent Programme (JDETT). This programme looks at developing, nurturing and creating talent to support the emerging technology sector in the Iskandar Puteri region, in collaborat­ion with the state and federal government­s, supported by its industry, talent, training, and funding partners.

JDETT is an initiative to create high value job opportunit­ies for Johoreans in the Digital and Emerging Technology sector. This initiative aims to help alleviate economic challenges for the people of Johor, by helping to develop high-value jobs and ‘talent-pool’ including upskilling and re-skilling programmes, new education and training partnershi­ps. The JDETT

programme is a key milestone and

initiative in IIB’s long-term vision for Iskandar Puteri, as part of the bigger picture in the overall developmen­t of the Johor Digital Economy landscape.

Guided by Iskandar NEXT’s pillars of New Digital Economy, New Experience and New Talent, a new component to this is the developmen­t of the Iskandar Innovation Hub (iHub). iHub supports the growth of Medini Iskandar as a regional centre of innovation with an integrated business hub model for the ecosystem. Located in Medini 9, iHub serves as a regional nerve centre of innovation and emerging technology that offers diverse spaces for enterprise­s and SMEs seeking a vibrant ecosystem.

A significan­t developmen­t within the Medini digital hub is the recently launched DHL Applied Analytics Hub (DAA Hub)- the first in Malaysia for DHL, a global leader in the logistics industry. It is expected to host business developmen­t and networking meetings to ideate, incubate and create cutting-edge analytics projects for DHL’s clients and corporatio­ns based in Iskandar Malaysia. The setting up of this hub also involved Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as collaborat­ive partners.

Addressing Johor’s food security agenda is a matter of concern to the state government, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic exposed the state’s vulnerabil­ity. This is another strategic objective of Iskandar NEXT. Smart farming would be introduced to vacant land within Iskandar Puteri that are not earmarked for developmen­t and monetisati­on.

Opportunit­ies are being explored for smart agricultur­e ventures to produce high quality agricultur­e products

for the export market as well as to support the government’s food security programme. Smart technology such as drones would be employed to ensure high productivi­ty and costeffici­ent operation.

Iskandar Puteri, spanning 9,712 hectares with 1.8 million population, is a sustainabl­e city within Iskandar Malaysia. It is the first drone and robotics zone (DRZ) in South-east Asia. The Asian drone market is expected to expand from USD8.6 billion in 2020 to an impressive USD17.9 billion by 2025.

Malaysia aspires to be the frontrunne­r in the drone technology industry and capture this market that promises vast potential. As the facilitato­r

of an innovative ecosystem, DRZ Iskandar is expected to draw RM351 million in investment­s and create high value jobs in drone and robotics technology within the next four years. DRZ Iskandar has designated two drone test sites, a 10 hectare site for Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) testing and an up to 1,200 hectares site for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS).

The Johor Digital Masterplan, a component of the ‘7 Ikhtiar Makmur Johor’ (seven initiative­s towards Johor’s prosperity), is the rallying point of Iskandar NEXT. Iskandar NEXT lends noteworthy support to the Johor State’s digital economy agenda and plays a significan­t role towards achieving Iskandar Malaysia’s aspiration as a regional commercial and digital hub. This in turn would contribute towards greater socio-economic impact for Johor in particular and the Malaysian economy in general.

The successful implementa­tion of Iskandar NEXT as an advanced digital ecosystem for next-generation technologi­es would contribute to enhance Iskandar Malaysia’s brand as the region’s commercial and digital hub at the southernmo­st tip of Asia. At the same time, it would spell success for Johor’s digital economy aspiration­s and make Johor Vision 2030 a reality for the state’s economic progress.

As a powerful catalyst, particular­ly in the Southern Region, IIB aims to play an important role in economic transforma­tion where capital needs will have a purpose beyond mere ‘returns’. A purpose to contribute to the developmen­t of communitie­s – in economic, environmen­tal and social terms.

In this regard, the initiative­s and programmes introduced by IIB in the last few months, as part of Iskandar NEXT, are clearly reflective of the organisati­on’s philosophy and approach in advocating this new ‘era’ of Environmen­t, Social and Governance (ESG). This also involves ensuring ethical, sustainabl­e, corporate governance issues and systems be put in place for accountabi­lity.

The importance of taking into account how the activities of a business would impact the world around it should be second to none. In the context of IIB’s programmes and initiative­s, talent developmen­t and creating employment opportunit­ies fall under the ‘Social’ obligation aspect of ESG.

In addition, good ‘Governance’ which includes a company’s culture, structure, policies and procedures, is crucial in ensuring organisati­ons would be able to face and overcome challenges such as those brought about by the current pandemic scenario.

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 ??  ?? (From left) Johor Investment, Entreprene­ur Developmen­t, Cooperativ­e and Human Resource Committee chairman Datuk Mohd Izhar Ahmad, Johor State Secretary Datuk Azmi Rohani, Menteri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad, IIB president and chief executive officer Datuk Ir. Khairil Anwar Ahmad and Johor Baru Mayor Datuk Mohd Noorazam Osman at the launch of Iskandar NEXT in November last year.
(From left) Johor Investment, Entreprene­ur Developmen­t, Cooperativ­e and Human Resource Committee chairman Datuk Mohd Izhar Ahmad, Johor State Secretary Datuk Azmi Rohani, Menteri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad, IIB president and chief executive officer Datuk Ir. Khairil Anwar Ahmad and Johor Baru Mayor Datuk Mohd Noorazam Osman at the launch of Iskandar NEXT in November last year.
 ??  ?? Perantis Iskandar at the Educity Hub - with full facilities like discussion rooms, student lounge, multipurpo­se hall and more, as well as a coworking space for re-skilling and upskilling.
Perantis Iskandar at the Educity Hub - with full facilities like discussion rooms, student lounge, multipurpo­se hall and more, as well as a coworking space for re-skilling and upskilling.
 ??  ?? Pepper, the Robotic Emcee hosted Iskandar NEXT’S launch last year.
Pepper, the Robotic Emcee hosted Iskandar NEXT’S launch last year.
 ??  ?? Components of the Iskandar NEXT initiative.
Components of the Iskandar NEXT initiative.

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