Tatler Homes Malaysia



These special ops lights provide focused illuminati­on for daily chores as well as leisurely pursuits

Ask any profession­al lensman or interior designer, and they will tell you that the best-lit interiors are the result of carefully considered lighting plans that layer general, ambient and task lighting. Unlike general lighting, which floods a space with light, or ambient lighting, which stirs emotions such as feelings of warmth and cosiness, task lighting refers to lights that are trained on a specific area. They are designed to alleviate eye strain on tasks


Magneto Available as a floor or table lamp, Magneto’s uniqueness derives from a magnetic sphere that allows the diffuser (which resembles a torch) to pivot freely in any direction. The lamp’s base contains a channel that houses the cable, so that the cable can be extended or retracted as required. being performed, such as reading, computer work, cooking, shaving or applying makeup. If you are in the market for a task light – say, a bedside reading light or desk lamp – there are a number of factors to consider before committing to the purchase. First, define what that task is. Next, decide where the light is to be placed for it to provide adequate, if not optimal, illuminati­on. “The light source should never be in your direct line of sight,” says Nana Au-chua, GM of Million Lighting. “A good task light should be one that has two adjustable points or

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