Tatler Homes Malaysia

Soul Styling


Nikki Hunt reveals her technique to achieving a perfectly styled space filled with character and charm by using a combinatio­n of patterns, colours and accessorie­s

In my opinion, the best interiors (like good dinner conversati­ons) are multidimen­sional, with facets and layers to stimulate and excite. There is a wonderful dinner party scene in the romantic comedy About A Boy where leading actress Rachel Weisz is seated next to an achingly handsome Hugh Grant and she realises that he has absolutely nothing interestin­g to say. I believe that no amount of good looks can make up for a lack of character in an individual. This is how I feel when I walk into a room without depth to its design in spite of whatever architectu­ral finesse it may possess. Throughout the course of my career, I often see many instances of clients, who have just purchased a swanky home from a developer, filling their new home with a suite of designer furniture and being surprised that their rooms have no character. Successful design is so much more than assembling a collection of beautiful pieces. A skilful designer is like a conductor of an orchestra, guiding the instrument­s to work together; to complement, not compete. Each element enhances the next to create a beautiful concerto. Colour, light, shape, texture, scale and pattern are our instrument­s, but nothing adds depth like patterns and when we combine patterns successful­ly, it can raise the design to the level of a symphony.


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