The Borneo Post (Sabah)

‘Cold War’ fears over Ukraine overblown, say experts


PARIS: Secret ‘Russian subs’ off Sweden, tit-for-tat sanctions, Nato f ighters scrambling to intercept Russian warplanes: relations between the West and Moscow over Ukraine have sparked incidents reminiscen­t of the Cold War that terrif ied the world for decades.

Even Cold War doyen Mikhail Gorbachev used the highly symbolic 25th anniversar­y of t he fall of the Berlin Wall to warn the world was ‘ on the brink of a new Cold War’, adding that ‘some are even saying that it has already begun’.

And it ’s not just former leaders. F inland’s Prime Minister Alexander Stubb also sounded the alarm, saying that Russia’s actions over Ukraine were bringing the world to the ‘brink of a Cold War’.

But while experts ag ree that the current situat ion is extremely dangerous, they say it is very different to when the two nuclear-armed superpower­s faced off, seemingly only minutes away from a l l- out global destructio­n.

Instead of a Cold War, experts see a period of geopolitic­al rebalancin­g after years of the United States assuming the role of sole superpower.

“Saying that we’re in a Cold War is to misunderst­and the sit uat ion,” says V ladimir Evseev, director of the Moscowbase­d think-tank NCO Public Political Studies Center.

“This isn’t a Cold War, but a period of transition. Western domination is coming to an end. The West can no longer impose its will on the world,” added the expert.

Several factors in the current tension between Washing ton and Moscow dif fer from the ter r i fy i ng l i mbo t hat ex isted between the superpower­s until t he Berl i n Wa l l fel l in 19 8 9, experts say.

F irstly, the Cold War was more than a conf lict between two competing superpower­s, it was a battle of ideology, a battle of ideas, which simply no longer exists, Evseev told AFP.

“There are ideologica­l difference­s, but the Iron Curtain no longer exists and it cannot exist in our time.”

Quite simply, as unpalatabl­e as Vladimir Putin’s Russia is to the West at the moment, it is a long way from being the Soviet Union that antagonise­d Washington and Europe for decades.

“The Soviet Union was an expansioni­st, ideologica­l power with global ambitions and deep hostility to Western interests,” wrote analysts Samuel Charap and Jeremy Shapiro in a recent commentary in Current History.

“Post-Soviet Russia is unpleasant, and has transgress­ed a number of key internatio­nal norms in the past yea r, but it is not t he Sov iet Union.”

Seismic changes have also taken place politicall­y and economical­ly since the collapse of the Iron Curtain, making it impossible to talk of a re-run of the Cold War.

Despite sanctions over Ukraine, the Russian and Western economies are deeply i nter tw i ned a nd pol it ic a l ly, Moscow and the West work together on several other thorny issues, notably on preventing Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb.

“The most impor tant difference today is the factor of China,” said Sergey Radchenko, an expert on Russia and the Cold War at Britain’s Aberystwyt­h University.

“Today, China is the greatest assurance Russia has that it will not be isolated, neither pol it ica l ly nor econom ica l ly. The difference is great, and the g ist of it is that the West will find it a lot more difficult to deter Russia through a show of force,” Radchenko told AFP.

So what do we have if not a Cold War? Camille Grand from the Paris-based Foundation for St rateg ic Research says he prefers the term ‘ Cold Peace’.

“We’re in a new post-Cold War architectu­re where the idea that cooperatio­n is the natural way of dealing with Russia is no longer va l id,” he told AFP.

“In the long term, Russia does not have the means to be a superpower. That is a sort of illusion to please the Russian people.”

The West has to realise that it has entered a new period in geopolitic­s and “stop wasting our time hoping it will go back to nor ma l,” sa id t he ana lyst.

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