The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Heavy compound to be slapped on errant companies, says GST


MELAKA: Companies which refuse to register for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by March 1 will be slapped with a RM15,000 compound and forced to register for the new tax regime.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan said the move was to ensure all qualifying companies register for the GST by Feb 28 to avoid paying the fine.

He said the Royal Malaysian Customs Department and the Inland Revenue Board have identified 50,000 errant companies which have yet to register for the GST.

“We will not extend the registrati­on period as we have been tolerant and given them enough time until end-February.

“It is not fair to the 300,000 over companies which registered before the Dec 31, 2014 deadline,” he told reporters after a briefing on the GST and the 2015 Budget here.

Ahmad Maslan said reminders have been issued to the errant companies and there was no reason for them to be defiant.

Elaboratin­g further, Ahmad said as of Saturday 315,015 companies were GST-ready.

We will not extend the registrati­on period as we have been tolerant and given them enough time until end-February.

Datuk Ahmad Maslan, Deputy Finance Minister

In a related developmen­t, he said traders should not take advantage of the GST to hike prices as 56 per cent of 900 goods would see a price reduction after the GST is implemente­d.

“We hope the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperativ­e and Consumeris­m will continue to monitor and arrest retailers and traders who flout the law,” he said. — Bernama

 ??  ?? Companies which refuse to register for the GST by March 1 will be slapped with a RM15,000 compound and forced to register for the new tax regime, says Ahmad Maslan.
Companies which refuse to register for the GST by March 1 will be slapped with a RM15,000 compound and forced to register for the new tax regime, says Ahmad Maslan.
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