The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Loyalty, sincerity are what make Umno strong – Musa


KOTA KINABALU: Loyalty and sincerity are the basis of what makes a party strong, said Sabah Umno chief, Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

Taking Umno Putatan as an example, Musa, who is also Sabah Umno Liaison chief, pointed out that the division possessed these two qualities which has led to it to victory in every election.

“Not only has Umno Putatan won in every election, it has also helped Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates in the area to be victorious too. I hereby would like to congratula­te Umno Putatan which is led by my good friend, Datuk Seri Panglima Yahya Hussin,” Musa said when officiatin­g at the division's delegates' meeting in Putatan yesterday.

Musa also pointed out that Umno members' sincerity and loyalty to the party and its leaders have earned Sabah Umno the respect of its friends and foes.

“Therefore, we should not be fighting among ourselves as this will weaken the party. If we are weak, how will we be able to face challenges in the coming election? We may even lose the election if we are not strong. So we must be prepared and be united,” he said.

Musa pointed out everyone faces problems, what more a huge party like Umno. But what is important is that all problems can be resolved with the right approach, he said, adding that everything can be done providing there is cooperatio­n and sincerity among the members.

He also reminded Sabah Umno members that being described as BN's fixed deposit does not mean that they should be complacent and comfortabl­e in that position. In fact, they should work harder to strengthen the party and its position in the state, he said, and pointed out that as a fixed deposit state, Sabah Umno leaders must work harder and make more sacrifices in the party's struggles.

“We are not arrogant or bigheaded as BN fs fixed deposit. In fact, even as the ‘youngest' member in Umno's family, Sabah has proven that it can be depended on. It is therefore the duty and responsibi­lity of all Umno leaders and members to continuous­ly work hard to strengthen the party so that we are respected by others and stand strong before our foes,” he stressed.

Earlier, Yahya, in his welcoming address, disclosed that the division had passed several resolution­s, including one where the delegates' expressed their full support to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as the Prime Minister and Umno president.

The delegates also passed a resolution to give their full support to Musa as the Chief Minister and Sabah Umno chief.

 ??  ?? Musa and Yahya with the Umno Putatan delegates.
Musa and Yahya with the Umno Putatan delegates.

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