The Borneo Post (Sabah)

How Saudi Arabia plans to shake up its economy


RIYADH/DUBAI: In late February, several hundred Saudi officials, company executives and foreign consultant­s gathered in a luxury Riyadh hotel to discuss how Saudi Arabia’s economy could survive an era of cheap oil.

One company manager at the event told Reuters that officials from about 30 Saudi government bodies manned booths in which they described their challenges.

Corporate bosses were encouraged to “figure out ways to do partnershi­ps to address those needs, to offer feedback, to complain, and to plan future ventures or even just future meetings,” the manager said.

“It was like a private sector version of a national parliament.”

The workshop was part of Saudi government attempts to work out how to restructur­e the economy so it no longer relies on oil.

The National Transforma­tion Plan (NTP), as Riyadh has dubbed the changes, is expected to be unveiled in the next few weeks. Much is still secret. Ministries have refused to discuss plans in detail and Western consultanc­ies contacted by Reuters declined to confirm their involvemen­t, let alone policy details.

Officials, consultant­s and executives, though, say the five-year programme is both ambitious and risky. It includes asset sales, tax increases, spending cuts, changes to the way the state manages its financial reserves, an efficiency drive, and a much bigger role for the private sector.

Such changes have been talked about for years but never put into action. One reason to think this time could be different is that policy-making has in the past year shifted away from conservati­ve bodies such as the finance ministry and central bank. Power is now concentrat­ed in a new 22member Council of Economic and Developmen­t Affairs, formed after King Salman took the throne in January 2015.

The Council is chaired by his son, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is about 30. In his role as defence minister, Prince Mohammed launched Saudi Arabia’s military interventi­on in Yemen in March 2015. Now, he wants to shake up economic policy.

“Since the foundation of the kingdom there has been no government-led programme that innovates in this way,” said Mohamed al-Afif, a veteran banker who now runs Cash Solutions, a boutique financial services firm.

People familiar with the NTP said it was born late last year in discussion­s between Prince Mohammed and a few other top officials. At the time, oil was sinking below $30 a barrel, about half the low point that had been expected. That saddled the kingdom with an annual budget deficit near $100 billion and strengthen­ed the case for radical changes.

While Prince Mohammed is the ultimate decider, he has chosen Economy and Planning Minister Adel al-Fakieh, a former food industry executive and mayor of Jeddah, to help with the detail. As labour minister between 2010 and 2015, Fakieh overcame opposition from business to policies that pushed companies to hire more Saudis. People involved in the NTP say Fakieh, 57, uses WhatsApp on his mobile phone obsessivel­y, conducting chats with dozens of groups until the small hours.

Riyadh is spending tens of millions of dollars on foreign consultant­s for the NTP. Londonbase­d Source Global Research estimated in March that total Saudi spending on consultanc­ies – mostly by the government or state-linked bodies – grew over 10 percent in 2015, from $1.06 billion in 2014.

Consultant­s and ministry officials, many of them young Saudis with Western degrees, work at the Khozama office building in Riyadh, thrashing out policy in as many as 40 groups known as “delivery labs”.

The plans are heavy on jargon-labelled targets requiring ministries to hit rigid budget and reform goals, according to documents seen by Reuters.

One model is neighbouri­ng United Arab Emirates, which began radical reforms by cutting gasoline subsidies last year, people familiar with the Saudi plan said. Another model is Malaysia, which in 2010 moved to diversify beyond commodity exports and attract more foreign investment. Consultanc­y McKinsey & Co played a major role in the Malaysian plan and is now at the centre of the Saudi effort.

The NTP echoes Malaysia’s programme in three ways. It puts a single body in charge of implementa­tion to force better cooperatio­n between ministries. It seeks feedback from the private sector early, even during planning. And it aims to boost the private sector’s share of investment, something Saudi planners consider vital as oil revenues sag.

Riyadh wants private firms to develop tourism facilities on some of its islands, plans to create “free zones” with minimal red tape near airports, and even wants private investment in some schools.

New infrastruc­ture such as roads and port facilities will be constructe­d under build-operate-transfer contracts, in which private firms finance the projects and then operate them to recoup their investment­s. “The government will take no risk anymore, it will only provide opportunit­ies,” said a Saudi economist who attended a recent workshop.

The NTP will also speed up Saudi Arabia’s long-running but slow-paced privatisat­ion programme. Up to 5 percent of national oil giant Saudi Aramco will be sold to the public, Prince Mohammed says, possibly raising tens of billions of dollars. Also on the block: chunks of other companies in up to 18 sectors, including healthcare, mining and transport.

Management of the country’s financial reserves will become more aggressive, according to officials and consultant­s. The central bank, which acts as the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund, holds $584 billion of foreign assets, mostly in conservati­ve investment­s such as bank deposits and U.S. Treasuries. In the future, privatisat­ion proceeds will be invested in corporate assets around the world, generating income and obtaining access to technology and expertise.

Saudi officials have been visiting the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority – which has over $700 billion invested in developed and emerging market equities, fixed income, private equity, real estate and infrastruc­ture – to see how it works, sources said.

Prince Mohammed told Bloomberg last month that one fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF), would be expanded to control over $2 trillion eventually. The fund is now believed to have about $100 billion of assets. — Reuters

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 ??  ?? A car drives past the constructi­on site of King Abdullah Financial District, north of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. — Reuters photo
A car drives past the constructi­on site of King Abdullah Financial District, north of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. — Reuters photo

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