The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Early Sabah BN meeting call


LAHAD DATU: Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) must convene as early as possible in order to facilitate findings of the Working Committee on illegal immigrants in Sabah chaired by Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, said United Pasokmomog­un Kadazandus­un Murut Organisati­on (Upko).

Its acting president, Datuk Seri Madius Tangau, said at the same time the party hoped the BN leadership would consider reactivati­ng the bureau on illegal immigrants, which Pairin had also been named as chairman.

Madius said it had also been decided that this bureau would be represente­d by leaders from all Barisan component parties.

“Upko has already decided a long time ago who would be its representa­tive in the bureau,” he said.

Madius, who is also Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, said Upko was glad to note that a fellow Sabah BN component party, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) was on the same page with them as far as calling for a recall of ICs issued in Sabah.

“As for Upko, we are holding steadfast to all the recommenda­tions that we have submitted to the RCI, especially recalling of all ICs issued in Sabah to verify their holders,” he said at the meeting with Upko Silam and Tawau on Saturday.

Madius was glad that PBS through its deputy president Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili had shown support for Upko’s idea of recalling the ICs issued in the State.

PBS on Monday reiterated that both the Federal and State government­s must expedite the retraction of illegally issued identity cards to foreigners and implement issuance of new documents and ICs to genuine Sabahans.

Describing it as part of the effort to clean up Sabah of illegal immigrants, Maximus said this was included among recommenda­tions in the RCI Report on resolving the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah.

“Many say it’s a difficult task, but we in PBS believe it’s doable. For a start, deal with proven cases of illegal issuance first; and let those questionab­le IC holders come forward and prove they are indeed genuine citizens,” said Maximus at the PBS N5 Tandek 31st annual general meeting at the Kota Marudu Community Hall.

Other component parties had also supported the idea that was mooted by Upko former supremo Tan Sri Bernard Dompok in front of the RCI panel during the inquiry stage.

Meanwhile, Upko Silam led by Basari Sarkun declared full support to the party’s leadership call for all Malaysian ICs in Sabah to be recalled for verificati­on.

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