The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Digging for clues to map Afghan cultural heritage

- By Anne Chaon

KABUL: For archaeolog­ists Afghanista­n, rich in ancient treasures and once a key stop on the legendary silk road, is an “open-air museum”, albeit one ravaged by war and plagued by looters.

After 30 years of conflicts, Afghanista­n’s cultural heritage is in dire straits, but one group of archaeolog­ists is trying to put the country’s historical sites back on the map - literally.

An internatio­nal team is working to map the country’s numerous sites and monuments with satellite imaging into a huge database — a giant geographic informatio­n system (GIS).

“The authoritie­s have long feared encouragin­g looting by locating such sites... In fact, most have already been looted, “says Julio BendezuSar­miento, a French-Peruvian archaeolog­ist who heads the French Archaeolog­ical Delegation to Afghanista­n (DAFA).

The project is going ahead now because “it is often the looters who are best informed about where the archaeolog­ical sites are,” he adds, so a database will not affect this.

Afghanista­n’s location and the variety and abundance of its bountiful mines of gold, copper and precious stones make it an archaeolog­ical holy grail. The Afghan lapis-lazuli, a brilliant blue semi-precious gemstone, was used as decoration by the Egyptian pharaohs and the great kings of Assyria and Babylon, Bendezu-Sarmiento notes.

In DAFA’s offices a large satellite image of the country, with its bust bowls, deep valleys and steep mountains, is shown on a widescreen display. Heritage sites are indicated by yellow, blue and red dots depending on whether they have been excavated, identified or only recently discovered.

The work consists of linking this mapping to each site in the database.

In 1982, under pressure from Soviet Russia which had invaded Afghanista­n, DAFA — who had been there since 1922 — had to leave the country where they’d identified 1,286 heritage sites.

“Today, we’ve identified five times that,” Bendezu-Sarmiento says.

On the map, there are numerous marks as the archaeolog­ists try to connect informatio­n from the first excavation­s in the 1930s.

“The country is huge, with an enormous wealth of sites,” says Elena Leoni, an Italian archaeolog­ist specialisi­ng in Central Asia and GIS.

Leoni gives the example of the historical town of Balkh in northern Afghanista­n, known to the ancient Greeks as Bactra, where an incredible amount of gold was discovered.

Often compared to the famed treasures discovered in the burial chamber of Egyptian king Tutankhamu­n, “L’Or de Balkh” is shown all over the world as part of a touring exhibition.

Thomas Lorain, the organisati­on’s scientific secretary adds: “When one digs, one always stumbles across something.”

Mohamed Nader Rassouli, a consultant at DAFA who is esteemed by his colleagues as a living “library of Afghan archaeolog­y” and studied the subject in Russia in the 1960s, has seen his country’s vast cultural heritage tragically squandered.

“Houses have been built over the sites around Kabul that DAFA excavated in 1937,” he laments.

“And in the provinces, sites have been destroyed by looters and antiquitie­s trafficker­s as well as people simply working in the fields,” he adds.

For the Afghan authoritie­s, the archaeolog­ical map will also serve as a tool for ministries to launch major developmen­t projects, explains Haroon Hakimi, spokesman for the ministry of culture.

“People say Afghanista­n is an open-air museum,” he says. “It is vital to identify these sites, then you know where they are when you want to build roads, operate mines or drill for oil.”

This is especially important as the government is in the process of distributi­ng mining concession­s and according to sources plans to sign at least 25 contracts this year.

“Interest in mineral resources is not a modern thing and it was the desire to exploit and manage these resources that undoubtedl­y led to the creation of these great cities,” BendezuSar­miento says.

Mes Aynack, a huge historical site with thousands of Buddhas located south of Kabul, was discovered by a Chinese mining company because of the huge amounts of copper lying beneath the ruins.

The Metallurgi­c Corporatio­n of China agreed to suspend its work there, but Afghan archaeolog­ist Rassouli says many other sites remain at risk.

“Once this map is complete, it will be publicly available for people so that they can participat­e in its protection. Everyone must do their bit,” Rassouli said. — AFP

 ??  ?? Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento (L), head of the French Archaeolog­ical Delegation to Afghanista­n (DAFA), with a small sculpture during an interview with AFP at the DAFA office in Kabul. — AFP photos
Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento (L), head of the French Archaeolog­ical Delegation to Afghanista­n (DAFA), with a small sculpture during an interview with AFP at the DAFA office in Kabul. — AFP photos
 ??  ?? Elena Leoni, an Italian archaeolog­y specialist on central Asia, looking at her workstatio­n, as she works at the French Archaeolog­ical Delegation to Afghanista­n (DAFA) office in Kabul.
Elena Leoni, an Italian archaeolog­y specialist on central Asia, looking at her workstatio­n, as she works at the French Archaeolog­ical Delegation to Afghanista­n (DAFA) office in Kabul.

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