The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Grassroots leaders urged to stick to principles despite temptation


TAWAU: Grassroots leaders must not forget their main principle of looking after the people and not to be tempted by remunerati­on and the value of the ringgit offered by other parties.

Deputy Resource Developmen­t and Informatio­n Technology Minister Datuk Hamisa Samat said the leaders should instead be sincere and confident with rewards to be earned from Allah when they served the people.

“Do not be easily tempted just because a few ringgit, don’t be a stooge or two-faced leaders, because we are all leaders, do not selling off our homeland.

“Do not be a leader who persecutes people for personal gain, but continue to strive on with sincerity and adhere to the principles,” she said.

She was speaking at the Community Leaders Get Together with Datuk Hamisa Samat annual event here on Tuesday night.

According to her, grassroots leaders were where the people’s hopes lie and they formed a bridge between the community and the government to help in solving various issues faced by the community.

In the meantime Hamisa, who is also the Tanjung Batu assemblywo­man, advised grassroots and community leaders not to be duped by certain parties who came to the villages with plenty of promises.

She added the grassroots leaders should emulate the attitude of the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, who has always been working and did not speak out despite being ridiculed and humiliated.

“This is the leader that we should listen to, though he was criticised and insulted he has always worked for the people, as well as our Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, who has always been trying to develop this state,” she said.

Meanwhile, Hamisa also wanted the grassroots leaders to admonish any problemati­c leaders in a polite manner and not to humiliate them.

“We do not deny that there are problemati­c leaders but remember the ulama said do not look for fault in others and let us always try to strengthen our relationsh­ip and think first before you say anything either on social media or in your speech,” she said.

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