The Borneo Post (Sabah)

‘Islamophob­ia’ fuelling terrorism — UN chief


RIYADH: “Islamophob­ia” in parts of the world is fuelling terrorism, the head of the United Nations said on a visit to Saudi Arabia Sunday, as antiimmigr­ant sentiment rises in some countries.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made the comment to reporters after talks with Saudi King Salman, Crown Prince and Interior Minister Mohammed bin Nayef, and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

“One of the things that fuel terrorism is the expression in some parts of the world of Islamophob­ic feelings and Islamophob­ic policies and Islamophob­ic hate speeches,” Guterres said at a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir.

“This is sometimes the best support that Daesh can have to make its own propaganda,” Guterres said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group of Sunni extremists in Syria and Iraq.

The jihadist group has also claimed deadly attacks in Saudi Arabia and in Europe.

Anti-immigratio­n politician­s including France’s Marine Le Pen have seen their popularity rise after an influx to Europe of migrants, many of them Muslims fleeing wars in Syria and elsewhere.

US President Donald Trump issued an order in late January that denied entry to all refugees for 120 days.

It also blocked travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. Refugees from Syria were blocked indefinite­ly.

One of the things that fuel terrorism is the expression in some parts of the world of Islamophob­ic feelings and Islamophob­ic policies and Islamophob­ic hate speeches.This is sometimes the best support that Daesh can have to make its own propaganda. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General

But the order has faced obstacles and on Thursday an appellate court decided unanimousl­y to maintain a block on Trump’s order.

Syria’s conflict has created 4.8 million refugees and killed more than 310,000 people since it began with anti-government protests in March 2011.

Guterres said “we will never be successful in fighting terrorism in Syria if an inclusive political solution is not found for the Syrian people.”

A new round of UN-sponsored peace talks is scheduled for February 20 in Geneva.

Guterres arrived in Saudi Arabia from Turkey and will be in Dubai for the World Government Summit during his regional tour. — AFP

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 ??  ?? Guterres and Adel al-Jubeir arrive for the joint press conference in Riyadh — AFP photo
Guterres and Adel al-Jubeir arrive for the joint press conference in Riyadh — AFP photo

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