The Borneo Post (Sabah)

No investigat­ion on video clip of North Korean man — IGP


KUALA LUMPUR: The police will not investigat­e a video clip of a man claimed to be the son of the North Korean man who was killed at the Kuala Lumpur Internatio­nal Airport 2 (klia 2) on Feb 13.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the 40-second video clip was viewed by the police after it went viral on the social networking site as well as local and internatio­nal news portal since Wednesday and the decision was made to discontinu­e the investigat­ion.

“There is no need to investigat­e it,” he said when contacted by Bernama here yesterday.

On Wednesday, a video clip posted on Youtube showed a man with a diplomatic passport who said that he was Kim Han-sol and claimed his father Kim Jong-nam was murdered.

However, pages that show the detailed informatio­n on his particular­s on the passport were digitally covered.

Kim Chol’s death was widely reported in the media as Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jongun.

It was understood that the video was recorded a few days after Kim Chol was killed and uploaded to YouTube by a group known as the Cheollima Civil Defence (CCD).

The group claimed to have saved and protected Jong-nam’s family members and they were relocated to an undisclose­d location.

A spokesman for South Korea’s National Intelligen­ce Service confirmed the man in the video was Han-sol, but did not disclose further details.

Han-sol, 21, was believed to have graduated from Sciences Po University in Paris and had been living in exile with his parents.

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