The Borneo Post (Sabah)

US senators ask government for proof Obama wiretapped Trump


WASHINGTON: Two senior senators asked the FBI and Justice Department on Wednesday for any informatio­n they have on President Donald Trump’s unsubstant­iated claim that his predecesso­r Barack Obama wiretapped him during the 2016 US presidenti­al campaign.

In a letter to James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion, and Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, Republican Lindsey Graham and Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse wrote:

“We request that the Department of Justice provide us copies of any warrant applicatio­ns and court orders ... related to wiretaps of President Trump, the Trump campaign, or Trump Tower.”

Under US law, presidents cannot direct wiretappin­g. Instead, the federal government can ask a court to authorise the action, but it must provide justificat­ion.

Asked at a briefing on Wednesday if Trump was the subject of a probe, White House spokesman Sean Spicer replied: “There is no reason that we have to think that the president is the target of any investigat­ion whatsoever.”

Critics of Trump in Congress have accused him of issuing the wiretap allegation to try to deflect attention from investigat­ions into his administra­tion’s possible ties to Russia.

Some have likened it to Trump’s long-held contention that Obama was not born in the US and thus did not legitimate­ly hold the office of president — an accusation he did not withdraw until 2016.

Dianne Feinstein, a Democratic member of both the Senate intelligen­ce and judiciary committees, told CNN she had not seen any evidence that Obama had tapped Trump’s phone.

“It’s all rather shocking to me that a sitting president would make this kind of an allegation about a former president without any proof whatsover,” she said. “I believe it’s patently false.”

Graham later told CNN that if the Justice Department does not cooperate with the senators’ request, subpoenas would be issued. — Reuters

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