The Borneo Post (Sabah)

By Rebecca Chong

Musa praises Hisham for initiating Trilateral Cooperativ­e Agreement


SANDAKAN: Chief Minsiter Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman said the State Government commended the initiative taken by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Tun Hussein in his effort to realise the Trilateral Maritime Patrol and Trilateral Cooperativ­e Agreement between Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippine­s.

Musa said the Trilateral Cooperativ­e Agreement between the three countries was a long-term initiative to increase cooperatio­n and relationsh­ip between the three countries.

“We are aware that without a strong defence to secure our safety, stability of the country would be affected and so would the unity of the people. (The strength of our defence) would determine the rise and fall of our country.

“In the aspect of defence, I often have discussion with Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in to ensure that safety and defence aspects of Sabah are as a strong state,” Musa said.

Musa said during the recent Assembly sitting that he had explained on the issues of safety and defence especially those related to Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM).

He said the truth is that the Government was continuous­ly adding to the strength of our security and defence including increasing the number of personnel, assets, equipment, sea front base, helicopter, sea basing, radar, intelligen­ce and more; unlike what the Opposition­s had claimed that the Government was not doing anything to keep Sabah safe.

Musa, who is also UMNO Libaran chief, said this in his speech during the launching ceremony of UMNO Libaran Annual Delegate Meeting held here, yesterday.

Meanwhile, Musa reminded the members of UMNO to not be ashamed or shy to admit that they were members of UMNO because UMNO was a party that proved to have contribute­d to the people by bringing developmen­t to the people of Sabah.

“We have strength and advantage in terms of track record and proof: the developmen­t that we have brought throughout the State. We have seen the video of developmen­t we have brought to Libaran and other parts of the State including the interior areas: Paitan, Sugut, Tongod, Nabawan and Pensiangan.

“We do not talk empty like the Opposition, we have proof that we have been working and will continue to work. This also proves that Barisan Nasional with UMNO care for the people, fight for the fate and future of the people.

“We have leaders and president of the party, the Prime Minister who always puts the importance of the rakyat first, including the Sabahans.

“So we (UMNO) do not have to rely on the weakness of the Opposition (to win election) because we have built our strength and stability on our own” Musa said.

Earlier, Musa said that UMNO was well received by the people of Sabah and that Sabahans were confident in the fight of UMNO.

“Hence, do not be swayed by the lies and rumours spread by the Opposition who are “poisoning” the minds of the rakyat, talk badly about the leaders, promising the moon and stars.

“Now they go in and out of villages, back then they never even entered the district. Now after losing position and power, they are busy going here and there to give promises, lying to the people.

“They are seasonal workers. During election they appear like mushroom after the rain. After election they disappear just like that. Believe me, UMNO and BN are the one that is going to be loyal to the people, because we continuous­ly contribute to the people, and not by seasons.

“We do not think about the election. What is important is that the rakyat is defended and the importance of the rakyat is always prioritise­d” he added.

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