The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Trump mulls ‘military option’ on Venezuela


BEDMINSTER, United States: US President Donald Trump said he was considerin­g military options as a response to the escalating crisis in Venezuela, a move the South American country quickly shot down as “craziness.”

Washington has slapped sanctions on President Nicolas Maduro and some of his allies, and branded him a ‘dictator’ over his attempts to crush his country’s opposition. Venezuela has in turn accused America of “imperialis­t aggression.”

But Trump’s latest comments were the first sign that he is mulling military interventi­on.

“We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option if necessary,” Trump told reporters.

“We have troops all over the world in places that are very far away. Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and they’re dying.”

Trump said Venezuela’s political crisis was among the topics discussed at the talks he hosted at his golf club in New Jersey with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

“Venezuela is a mess. It is very dangerous mess and a very sad situation,” Trump said.

But if any US military contingenc­y planning is under way, it must be in its early stages. A Pentagon spokesman, Eric Pahon, refused to elaborate on Trump’s comments, adding: “As of right now, the Pentagon has received no orders.”

Pahon cautioned that “the military conducts contingenc­y planning for a variety of situations. If called upon, we are prepared to support wholeof-government efforts to protect our national interest and safeguard US citizens.”

The White House said Trump would only agree to speak with Maduro “as soon as democracy is restored in that country,” after the Venezuelan leader requested a phone call with the American president.

Trump’s military warning came two days after his administra­tion imposed new sanctions on Venezuela, targeting members of a loyalist assembly installed last week to bolster what Washington calls Maduro’s “dictatorsh­ip.”

General Vladimir Padrino, Venezuela’s defence minister, dismissed the threat as “an act of craziness, an act of supreme extremism.”

“There is an extremist elite governing the United States and honestly I don’t know what’s happening, what is going to happen in the world,” Padrino said.

The Venezuelan government had previously responded to the sanctions — which already targeted Maduro himself — by saying the US was “making a fool of itself in front of the world.”

On Thursday, Maduro declared that Venezuela’s new Constituen­t Assembly holds supreme power over all branches of government, even over his position, and that its work — ostensibly to rewrite the constituti­on — would return “peace” to the country. But the United States and major Latin American nations allege that Maduro is using the body as a tool to quash dissent, by clamping down on the opposition and the legislatur­e it controls.

The crisis has fueled the street demonstrat­ions that have gripped Venezuela for the past four months. Nearly 130 people have been killed in clashes between protesters and security forces.

The protests have lost steam in the past week as security forces have stepped up repression and demonstrat­ors have grown discourage­d by the opposition’s failure to bring about change.

But hackers have taken up the torch. On Thursday, a group calling itself The Binary Guardians claimed responsibi­lity for a massive cyber attack that cut mobile telephone service to seven million users.

Two renegade officers behind an attack on an army base in the northweste­rn city of Valencia to raid its armory last weekend have been captured, Padrino said. — AFP

 ??  ?? Trump speaks to reporters after meeting with Tillerson (left), Haley (second right) and National Security Adviser HR McMaster (right) at Trump’s golf estate in Bedminster, New Jersey. — Reuters photo
Trump speaks to reporters after meeting with Tillerson (left), Haley (second right) and National Security Adviser HR McMaster (right) at Trump’s golf estate in Bedminster, New Jersey. — Reuters photo

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