The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Opposition not strong enough — Ramlee


SEMPORNA: Anyone may become candidates in the upcoming general election, but not all candidates have the credibilit­y to develop the country and community as expected by the people, said Sabah Umno deputy informatio­n head Datuk Ramlee Marahaban,

Ramlee, who is also the Assistant Minister of Finance, said the opposition can say they have enough candidates because anyone can be candidates and many individual­s want to become candidates.

“The question is, are their candidates able to provide excellent services to the people and will their candidates receive support from the people who always want leaders who can help the people, not with promises but with efforts?” he asked.

According to Ramlee, who is also the assemblyma­n for Bugaya, Barisan Nasional is not afraid of the opposition’s provocatio­n because it is confident of the capabiliti­es and credibilit­y of its leaders.

He said the provocatio­ns and propaganda spread by the opposition are only their ideas to gain support from the people.

“We all know that their party (opposition) is not strong enough compared to BN and Umno which have proven their ability to develop the country and the people.

“How do they rule the country or the state when their own party is not organized? Even the structure of their party is not strong enough,” said Ramlee, in response to Parti Warisan Sabah’s statement that they have enough candidates to compete in the upcoming election.

Meanwhile, Ramlee said youngsters are wise in making decisions and this group also gives strong support to the current government.

He said it was not true that the youngsters are fighting with the opposition to replace the current government as many of them are involved in the programme organized by Umno’s wings, Pemuda and Puteri Umno.

“Youngsters as well as other groups tend to choose a party that is more organized and people know that only BN can manage to change the landscape of developmen­t and leadership in Sabah,” he said.

Ramlee added that the developmen­t undertaken by BN also covered all aspects as well as all groups, including the youngsters.

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