The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Support sought for Tawau Boys’ Brigade’s 50th Anniversar­y Dinner


TAWAU: Boys’ Brigade (BB) Tawau will celebrate its 50th Anniversar­y Gala Dinner (1967-2017) cum Tawau Division Founder’s Day celebratio­n service at SJKC Yuk Chin Hall here on October 14.

Its organizing chairman Captain Richard Tai said the dinner celebratio­n would start at 6 pm on that day with the theme ‘To God be the Glory’.

He urged members of the public to support and sponsor the event generously for the developmen­t of the BB’s ministry.

Richard said it would be a charity event to set up a youth training camp.

The event will not only enhance the horizons of young people, it will also allow them to get a different life experience apart from adding a new attraction to Tawau.

In 1967, Anthony Fong set up the first Sabah BB and the first BB Kota Kinabalu Division while Seah Yun Khong was its captain. The sponsor was YMCA.

In 1985, the first BB Tawau Division was set up through the sponsorshi­p of Sri Tanjung Baptist Church.

The Boys’ Brigade (BB) Malaysia is one of the members of the Malaysian Youth Congress and is recognized by the Malaysia Education Ministry in term of extracurri­cular activity.

According to Richard, the Boys’ Brigade (BB) in Malaysia has a 50-year history and is still upholding the purpose of guiding young people, the establishm­ent of a Christian good character, become loyal and responsibl­e good citizens as well as creating good leaders in contributi­ng to society.

The gala dinner ticket price is RM80 per person while the special price for BB Tawau members is RM15 per person.

There will also be lucky draws and talent shows.

For inquiry or ticket reservatio­ns, the public may contact BB Tawau Division advisor Captain Liew at 0198834380 or Captain Richard at 013-8398995.

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