The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Time for govt to act firmly against extremists — FCAS


KOTA KINABALU: The government must act fast and resolutely against those who undermined the Federal Constituti­on, regardless of who they are, said the Federation of Chinese Associatio­ns Sabah (FCAS).

“It's time for the government to take the bull by the horns and show the people of Malaysia the right path forward in preserving what our founding fathers had envisioned for us during the formation of our beloved country, that Malaysia is a secular state and it shall remain so.

“Anything less would only reflect poorly on the present government as the custodian of the nation and its people,” said FCAS president Tan Sri TC Goh.

He said this in support for the statement of Minister of Special Tasks, Datuk Seri Panglima Teo Chee Kang that the Federation of Malaysia would not have been formed if there was a condition to make Malaysia an Islamic state.

Teo was reported to have said this while refuting the recent statement of Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Senator Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government was not shirking its responsibi­lity to make Malaysia an Islamic state.

Teo, who is also the LDP president, also urged federal officers and leaders to be cautious in making statements and take into considerat­ion the feelings of non-Muslims in the country, particular­ly the minority groups in Sabah and Sarawak.

In a statement issued yesterday, Goh reminded that during the meeting held in 1956 with members of the Alliance (the coalition of Umno, MCA and MIC), Rulers and the High Commission­ers, it was minuted that the first prime minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, assured members that “the whole Constituti­on was framed on the basis that the Federation would be a secular State”.

“Hence, we in FCAS deem any talk by any individual or group to change such a status-quo, without going through the proper channel of amending the Federal Constituti­on, as a treacherou­s act and should be dealt with seriously and resolutely,” he said.

Goh then expressed both regret and concern that there clearly had been a growing trend of religious extremism and racial discrimina­tion in the country over the last few years, including the most recent incidents of segregatio­n for Muslim and non-Muslim students in a primary school in Selangor, the protest against the organising of the Oktoberfes­t in Selangor, the Muslim-only self-service launderett­e in Johor, and followed by the disparagin­g remarks of controvers­ial preacher Zamihan Mat Zin against the Chinese by calling them ‘unhygienic' and accused them of ‘not washing up after defecating and urinating'.

He attributed such a worrying trend largely to the government's failure to act fast and resolutely against those who were responsibl­e.

“We in FCAS are nonetheles­s thankful that the Malay Rulers had not wasted any time to speak out against such incidents.

“We, therefore, sincerely hope that the government could take a cue from and be guided by the media statement issued by the Malay Rulers recently that any policy should take into account the minority groups in Malaysia,” he said.

Goh also opined that government should immediatel­y review and revise the existing school textbooks to ensure that the ‘fundamenta­l principles' of the Constituti­on and correct historical facts of the nation are adequately taught to the schoolchil­dren.

“This is necessary, so that they would not have misconcept­ion of the country when they grow up to become part of the society, and a leader, especially,” he said.

Besides this, he also suggested that the government make good use of such government agencies like the National Civics Bureau (BTN) to conduct a refresher course for politician­s and government officers who showed signs of deviation from the fundamenta­l principles of the Constituti­on.

 ??  ?? Zulkefle (third left) receiving the corruption-free pledge certificat­e from Bruno (third right), witnessed by Gubat (centre) at the event yesterday.
Zulkefle (third left) receiving the corruption-free pledge certificat­e from Bruno (third right), witnessed by Gubat (centre) at the event yesterday.
 ??  ?? Goh

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