The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Tawau archers get helping hand for SAGA 2017


TAWAU: Benta Wawasan Sdn Bhd contribute­d RM10,000 to the Tawau District Archery Associatio­n (TDAA) yesterday to help the district’s archers prepare for the Sabah Games 2017 (SAGA 2017) to be held in Sandakan on December.

A ceremony was held at the TDAA temporary shooting range at the Tawau Sports Complex, where Benta Wawasan Sdn Bhd CEO Zulkifli Usof handed over a mock cheque to TDAA chairman Jerome Lim while Benta’s chairman Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan witnessed the contributi­on.

Nizam, who is also the patron for the TDAA, said the handing over the cheque showed his commitment to help the TDAA in its preparatio­n for SAGA 2017.

He congratula­ted Benta’s CEO for answering his call to help Tawau archery and called on the TDAA committee, coaches and archers to make use of the opportunit­y given to improve further.

According to Nizam, archery was still considered a new sport in some parts of the state and therefore, whoever started early had the advantage.

However, if taken lightly, the other districts will certainly overtake them, he said. He added that Tawau was very proud that it had produce a world class compound archer in Lee Kin Lip, who is currently competing in Mexico for the World Archery.

Nizam said he hopes to see more world class archers produced by Tawau to represent the country in the future.

On the SAGA 2017 in Sandakan, he expressed hopes that TDAA would win at least 17 gold medals based on their performanc­e lately, including winning 24 gold out of 28 in the Sabah Archery Carnival Series 2 hosted by the TDAA.

 ??  ?? Zulkifli (left) handing over a mock cheque of RM10,000 to Jerome, witnessed by Nizam (middle) and the TDAA committee and archers yesterday at the TDAA training field at the Tawau Sports Complex.
Zulkifli (left) handing over a mock cheque of RM10,000 to Jerome, witnessed by Nizam (middle) and the TDAA committee and archers yesterday at the TDAA training field at the Tawau Sports Complex.

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