The Borneo Post (Sabah)

1,000 join The Borneo Post and Yeo’s Fun Run

- By Chok Sim Yee

KOTA KINABALU: Som�� 1,000 p��opl�� took part in th�� Th�� Born��o Post and Y��o's Fun Run, th��m��d ‘Pirat��s of Born��o's Costum�� Run', at Tanjung Aru B��ach y��st��rday.

Th�� 10-kilom��tr�� run was th�� s��cond aft��r it was first h��ld last y��ar in lin�� with Y��o's 'Th�� Natural Choic��' philosophy to promot�� a h��althi��r lif��styl�� through r��gular ��x��rcis�� in conjunctio­n with th�� Int��rnational Day for Volunt����rs.

Th�� participan­ts w��r�� flagg��d off by S���� Hua Mark��ting (Sabah) Sdn Bhd ar��a support manag��r Ti�� King Hoh, Y��o Hiap S��ng Trading Sdn Bhd sal��s ��x��cutiv�� Lim Kain Shung and Y��o Hiap S��ng Trading school rang��r Ch��w Su��t M��i. Also pr��s��nt was S���� Hua Mark��ting (Sabah) Sdn Bhd s��nior mark��ting manag��r Wong Pak Ing.

Y��o's manag��r Candy Pang said running has b��com�� a tr��nd in Malaysia as it is a hassl��-fr���� sport and on�� of th�� b��st ways to train on��'s str��ngth and d��t��rmination to cross th�� finishing lin��.

“It would b�� anoth��r marking of brand n��w mil��ston�� and achi��v��m��nt if w�� outdo our r��cord ��ach tim��.

“It is also our pl��asur�� to collaborat�� with Th�� Born��o Post again in continuing anoth��r succ��ssful community initiativ�� for our ��v��r supportiv�� f��llow Sabahans,” sh�� said.

Cat��gori��s f��atur��d in th�� fun run includ��d M��n's and Wom��n's Op��n, M��n's and Wom��n's V��t��ran as w��ll as Stud��nt's cat��gory (boys and girls). Th�� top thr���� runn��rs in both Op��n and V��t��rans cat��gory walk��d away with cash priz��s of RM500, RM300 and RM200 r��sp��ctiv��ly.

Apart from th�� supply of Y��o's Jasmin�� Gr����n T��a at wat��r stations along th�� rout��, runn��rs also ��njoy��d a sp��cial promotiona­l purchas�� at Y��o's sal��s booth during th�� ��v��nt.

Pang said Y��o's Jasmin�� Gr����n T��a was d��finit��ly th�� pr��f��rr��d b��v��rag�� among East Malaysians.

Fr��shly br��w��d with pr��mium t��a l��av��s, Y��o's Jasmin�� Gr����n T��a is s��rv��d without add��d pr��s��rvativ��s and l��ss sw����t��n��d.

Sh�� said gr����n t��a is also commonly b��li��v��d to hav�� natural b��n��fits to incr��as�� th�� body's m��tabolism and low��r chol��st��rol l��v��l.

“Living amidst th�� rapid pac�� of d��v��lopm��nt, gr����n t��a is c��rtainly a natural choic�� to h��lp runn��rs stay calm and r��lax��d, and as a p��rf��ct post-��x��rcis�� b��v��rag�� for runn��rs.

“W�� hop�� that Th�� Born��o Post and Y��o's Run 2017 will b�� th�� boost��r for us to r��start our body-��ngin�� with mor�� r��gular ��x��rcis��s, h��althy food and b��v��rag��s consumptio­n,” sh�� said.

M��anwhil��, th�� Int��rnational Volunt����r Day (IVD) mandat��d by th�� UN G��n��ral Ass��mbly, is h��ld ��ach y��ar on D��c��mb��r 5. It is vi��w��d as a uniqu�� chanc�� for volunt����rs and organizati­ons to c��l��brat�� th��ir ��fforts, to shar�� th��ir valu��s, and to promot�� th��ir work among th��ir communiti��s, non-gov��rnm��ntal organizati­ons (NGOs), Unit��d Nations ag��nci��s, gov��rnm��nt authoriti��s and th�� privat�� s��ctor.

Apart from mobilizing thousands of volunt����rs ��v��ry y��ar, th�� Unit��d Nations Volunt����rs (UNV) programm�� contribut��s to p��ac�� and d��v��lopm��nt by advocating th�� r��cognition of volunt����rs and working with partn��rs to int��grat�� volunt����rism into d��v��lopm��nt programmin­g.

IVD 2017 th��m�� #Costum��Run – r��cogniz��s communiti��s worldwid�� with diff��r��nt background or rac�� in making p��ac�� and sustainabl�� d��v��lopm��nt a r��ality.

Th�� ��v��nt also aims to cr��at�� awar��n��ss through contributi­on to hav�� at l��ast 500 tr���� s����dlings plant��d in th�� Sabah For��st Corridor. Last month, at l��ast 150 tr����s w��r�� plant��d und��r th�� volunt����r programm��. Anoth��r 350 tr���� s����dlings will b�� plant��d b��for�� th�� ��nd of D��c��mb��r 2017.

Th�� run also r��c��iv��d support from Wanfa and M���� Daddy.

 ??  ?? Tie (fourth right) with the winners of the Women's Veteran category.
Tie (fourth right) with the winners of the Women's Veteran category.
 ??  ?? Lim (fourth left) with the winners of the Men's Veteran category.
Lim (fourth left) with the winners of the Men's Veteran category.
 ??  ?? From left, Chew,Tie and Lim flagging off the participan­ts.
From left, Chew,Tie and Lim flagging off the participan­ts.
 ??  ?? Participan­ts enjoying Yeo's Jasmine Green Tea after the run.
Participan­ts enjoying Yeo's Jasmine Green Tea after the run.
 ??  ?? Standing at front row, Lim (sixth left), Chew (seventh left), Wong (ninth left) and Tie (tenth left) together with the participan­ts before the flag off.
Standing at front row, Lim (sixth left), Chew (seventh left), Wong (ninth left) and Tie (tenth left) together with the participan­ts before the flag off.
 ??  ?? The run also received support from Wanfa and Mee Daddy.
The run also received support from Wanfa and Mee Daddy.
 ??  ?? Wong (third left) with the winners of the Student's category (boys).
Wong (third left) with the winners of the Student's category (boys).
 ??  ?? Tie (centre) with the winners of the Student's category (girls).
Tie (centre) with the winners of the Student's category (girls).
 ??  ?? Lim (third right) and his team at Yeo's sales booth.
Lim (third right) and his team at Yeo's sales booth.
 ??  ?? The run also received support from Wanfa and Mee Daddy. On second left is Wong.
The run also received support from Wanfa and Mee Daddy. On second left is Wong.
 ??  ?? Participan­ts buying Yeo's beverages at the sales booth.
Participan­ts buying Yeo's beverages at the sales booth.

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