The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Four anglers rescued after 20-hour ordeal adrift at sea


LABUAN: Four anglers who spent more than 20 hours adrift in their small open boat after it developed engine trouble and was tossed around in the open sea by huge waves on Saturday said they managed to stay calm while continuing to alert relatives and the authoritie­s.

Ali @ Cherlie M Yussof, 62, Jamhari Bujang, 54, Wilfred Balang Singa, 38, and Amri Ahmad Astor, 33, were eventually located and picked up by a Malaysian Maritime Enforcemen­t Agency (MMEA) team after trying in vain for hours to catch the attention of passing vessels.

The four were safely ferried to the Labuan maritime jetty on Monday morning and reported to be stable although one of them had to be sent to hospital due to high blood pressure.

The anglers recalled drifting at least 16 nautical miles after setting off from Pohon Batu in the fibreglass boat to Pulau Tiga waters, approximat­ely 30.3 nautical miles away from Labuan when huge waves dragged away the boat’s anchor line.

“We experience­d a number of severe huge waves, strong winds and heavy rains while adrift in the ocean,” Ali told Bernama when met at the jetty.

“We were convinced that everyone had not given up looking for us, as I had alerted my relative who is a fireman to help us,” he said.

Jamhari’s wife said she received a call from her husband around 6 am on Sunday but lost contact thereafter.

“I reminded him earlier not to set out to sea as the weather might not be good, but my husband told me not to worry and assured me that he would be back around 6 am. But instead of coming back, he told me they had drifted and asked me to remain calm and not to worry. I informed my family in Sarawak and all of us performed ‘sembahyang hajat’ for his safety,” she said.

Ali said the four of them did not panic.

“Even when the engine could not start, we continued chatting and figuring out the safety aspect before the rescue came,” he said.

“In my several years of fishing out at sea, this incident was the first of its kind for me…the most distant waters I ever fished was in Sumandak waters near the oil platform but it was fine,” he added.

 ??  ?? Two of the four anglers rescued with MMEA personnel at Labuan maritime police jetty.
Two of the four anglers rescued with MMEA personnel at Labuan maritime police jetty.

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