The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Speech on Rela twisted – Shafie


KOTA KINABALU: The welfare and safety of People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) members assigned to assist in Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCom) must be looked after by the government, and this was the message Parti Warisan Sabah President Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal said he wanted to get across to the public in a speech two weeks ago.

But to his dismay, what he actually said in his speech was taken out of context, resulting in a video of him saying Rela members were only fit for community service and traffic duties going viral on social media.

“I regret that there are quarters who made viral that incomplete video clip as it did not show my speech in full where I spoke about two issues, the livelihood of Sabahans and security of Sabah.

“In my speech I suggested that the Lok Kawi and Paradise army camps be relocated to where the resources are needed most -- areas where the security is threatened which is in the east coast of Sabah.

“Why would I belittle Rela members? I have relatives who are Rela members and in fact I was instrument­al in them signing up as Rela members in 2012,” he said, adding that it was his concern for the welfare of these volunteers that made him put up the suggestion.

According to the Semporna member of parliament, he was also echoing the worries of Rela members in his constituen­cy.

Rela members stationed on islands in ESSCom are only given a set of uniforms and a wooden night stick. They are paid an allowance of RM6 an hour and will work maximum eight hours a day, he said.

He also went on to explain that when he mentioned about Rela members and their duties, what he meant was that they were not trained to handle security threats at the borders.

“I did mention that Rela are not trained to use firearms and to handle explosives because in the People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) Act 2012, they are not allowed to use firearms. That is why they are only equipped with a night stick,” said the former Deputy Defence Minister.

“Can you imagine the outcome should there be an intrusion by the Abu Sayyaf armed with M16s on one of the islands where you have Rela personnel armed only with a night stick, what will happen?

“If anything happens to them during their course of duty, I have to help their families but it will be too late, that is why I have to say something because I am a responsibl­e member of parliament,” he stressed.

Shafie also hopes that the Malaysia Communicat­ion and Multimedia Commission will take action against those responsibl­e for making that video viral.

He told reporters this at a press conference at his house yesterday where Shafie also informed them that he had given his statement to the police with regard to the matter.

“I appreciate the willingnes­s of the people to sacrifice their lives for the country but we are the government, why don’t we facilitate them, give them training and assistance?” he said.

On the matter of Rela wanting him to apologise, Shafie said there was no need as he had done nothing wrong.

“My intention was noble. I only quoted what is in the Act but what I said was twisted by some quarters to sound like crowd and traffic control is a menial duty. Do they mean to say that what the traffic police does is menial too?” asked Shafie.

 ??  ?? Shafie flanked by Warisan Youth chief Datu Azis Jamman (right) and the party treasurer Terrence Siambun during the press conference.
Shafie flanked by Warisan Youth chief Datu Azis Jamman (right) and the party treasurer Terrence Siambun during the press conference.

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