The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Defiant Duterte says he cannot be tried by war crimes court


DAVAO, Philippine­s: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday declared himself beyond the jurisdicti­on of an Internatio­nal Criminal Court probe into thousands of deaths in his ‘drugs war’, claiming local laws do not specifical­ly ban extrajudic­ial killings.

In a typically bombastic speech Friday, a day after the ICC announceda­preliminar­yinquiry into alleged crimes against humanity, Duterte renewed an earlier threat to withdraw the country from the world’s sole war crimes tribunal.

Duterte, who has overseen the bloody anti-drug crackdown since taking power in 2016, acknowledg­ed that a previous Manila government ratified the treaty that establishe­d the ICC, but claimed it had not passed into local law because of a technicali­ty.

“There is no f**king provision of extrajudic­ial killing. It is not defined anywhere so how can you now accuse me of a crime,” said Duterte, speaking in his home city of Davao.

Police said they have killed nearly 4,000 drug suspects dead in the narcotics crackdown, while rights groups claim the toll is around three times the numbers given by authoritie­s.

The outspoken Philippine leader, who is accused of stoking the killings with inflammato­ry statements, took issue over the Philippine­s becoming the first southeast Asian nation put under a preliminar­y examinatio­n by the ICC prosecutor.

“There are so many massacres happening in all parts of Asia and you pick on me. You better clear that up because I will withdraw from the ICC,” he warned, echoing an earlier threat.

The ICC’s initial inquiry is designed to help prosecutor­s determine if there is enough evidence of crimes that fall into its jurisdicti­on. It could lead to a full probe and eventually charges.

Duterte’s spokesman Harry Roque said earlier Friday he was ‘very confident’ he will escape ICC prosecutio­n.

Roque said a United Nations special rapporteur on extrajudic­ial killings in 2007 investigat­ed Duterte’s role in 1,069 alleged death-squad killings in the southern city of Davao while he was mayor.

The mission did not lead to Duterte’s prosecutio­n and Roque said the president expects the same outcome.

Duterte won a landslide victory in 2016 elections largely on a pledge to eradicate drugs.

In addition to the official toll, authoritie­s are also investigat­ing some 2,000 other cases of ‘drugrelate­d’ killings by unknown suspects.

The ICC on Thursday announced the unpreceden­ted decision to launch two inquiries at once, one in the Philippine­s and a second on alleged abuses during Venezuela’s political unrest.

 ??  ?? Rodrigo Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte

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